Alec Baldwin Says Trump Supporters Have Destroyed ‘Everything That Matters To Us Americans’

Alec Baldwin is a rich liberal A-hole who calls his daughter a “pig”, punches random people on the street, and goes ballistic if he can’t play games on his phone when a plane is taking off. He also thinks that this qualifies him as the voice of America and has decided that Trump supporters have destroyed everything that matters to Americans. He wouldn’t know a real American if he or she kicked him in the ass, but this is all about his crippling Trump Deraingemnet Syndrome.

As a bubble-dwelling coastal liberal elite, Baldwin has never gotten over the results of the 2016 election. Over the holidays reality must have set in that the House democrats’ sham impeachment wasn’t going to undo those results so he lashed out. Switching things up a bit, he chose not rage at our great president but rather he attacked the great supporters of our great president. Check out this TDS Twitter-storm:

I know Baldwin will have a hard time understanding this, but what matters to him is much different than what matters to average Americans. Just the fact that he thinks he speaks for all Americans shows how truly delusional He is. He doesn’t have to worry about paying the bills. He’s not concerned with his neighborhood being overrun by third-world scumbags who don’t speak English. He’ll never have a problem with street crime, impossibly high insurance premiums, or bums setting up camp in his neighborhood.

Baldwin’s biggest worries involve properly stocked mini bars in his limo, getting reservations to to the hot new 5-star restaurant, and mild turbulence on his private charted flights.

He even tips his elitist hand with the beginning of this tweet-storm. He says the biggest problems with this country is that average people have protected freedom and an economy that lets them succeed. He followed that load of crap up by saying our democracy demands “consistent regulation.” Basically he’s pissed that Americans have liberty that he feels should belong exclusively to him and his kind.

He then tries to shame Americans who don’t recognize his moral and intellectual superiority, accusing them of destroy the whole country. Actually, “shame” is a mild word here because he likens Trump supporters to deadly natural disasters. He saying Americans in flyover country are amoral parasitic murderers.

In his supreme arrogance, he actually thinks that insulting average Americans in this way will somehow make them not reelect Trump in November. He’s in for a very big shock because most people don’t take their political cues from Hollywood douchebags and will vote to give President Trump 4 more years.

If you can cut through all of Baldwin’s drama queen BS, what he’s actually sayin is that Trump makes him sad and anyone who supports the President infuriates him. Cool. If voting for Trump can cause an asshole like Alec Baldwin this much pain and anguish, I’d like to cast a hundred ballots. Unfortunately I’m not a democrat so I only vote once per election.