Joe Biden Goes Full-Looney Tunes On CBS Reporter

Joe Biden went nuts on a CBS reporter today. It wasn’t his usual angry-style of crazy but rather a much more terrifying form of insanity. The poor reporter almost certainly thought the former vice president was going to strip his skin off to make assless chaps and eat his children. Biden also put his hands on this journalist, but he’s democrat so nobody is going to accuse him of destroying freedom of the press.

So this happened:

“Yesterday, you said you accepted Bernie’s apology, now you’re attacking him. Why are you doing that? Why wasn’t his apology enough, Mr. Vice President? Why attack Sanders?” asked reporter Ed O’Keefe.

Biden was ignoring O’Keefe’s question and then something snapped. Biden swung around and rushed the reporter.

“Why, why, why, why, why, why, why?” Biden repeated with a glimmer of insanity in his eye.

O’Keefe was taken completely by surprise.

“You’re getting nervous, man. Calm down, it’s OK!” Biden said.

Yeah, it’s totally O’Keefe who needed to calm down in that situation.

At that point, Biden began beginning manhandling O’Keefe, grabbing at his clothes and slapping him on the chest.

“He apologized for saying I was corrupt, he didn’t say anything about whether or not I was telling the truth about Sosh Security,” explained Biden, slurring his speech.

I seriously doubt Bernie Sanders said anything about Biden lying about “Sosh Security” mostly because that’s not a thing that exists.

With that, Biden thumped O’Keefe on the chest with the bottom of his fist and then walked away.

This was creepy, freaky, but mostly scary. Biden lost his shit when a reporter asked him a question he didn’t want to answer. He got in the reporter’s face and put his hands on the journalist in an effort to intimidate. Biden’s message was quite clear: don’t you dare ask me a tough question again.

Where’s the liberal media outrage that Biden is putting journalist’s lives in danger and destroying the Constitutional right to a free press?

This same liberal media spent all of last week fainting and clutching their pearls because Republican Martha McSally called CNN reporter Manu Raju a “liberal hack.” Biden’s physical confrontation and attempt to intimidate was much worse but for some reason there isn’t quite the outrage.

Try to imagine if President Trump did what Biden did. There aren’t enough words in the English language to describe the liberal freak-out that would result from Trump putting his hands on a reporter. This “threat to democracy and the press” would eventually end up as more busllhit articles of impeachment in the House.

Joe however, he’s the liberal media’s choice for the democratic party nomination so nothing he says or does is going to get scrutinized or criticized. He could inappropriately touch a little girl, fat shame a concerned voter, or brag about letting children rub his hairy legs in the pool and the fake news industry wouldn’t say a thing. In fact all of that stuff has happened recently there wasn’t a peep from the media because they must protect their chosen one.

Sure, they could choose someone with less issues, but they have to pick from among the democrats so their choices are rather limited.

The good news, if we can call it that, is that Biden has now branched out from putting his hands on women and children to groping men. Maybe this is part of his plan to appeal to the LGBT community or perhaps no females will get within 10 feet of him so it’s dudes getting the rub downs now.