God, will the cries of racism from the left ever stop?! Here’s the latest in what’s racist . . . Trump’s legal team. Yes, that’s right. CNN fat ass Jeffrey Tobin has implied that the team of lawyers representing The Orange One in his impeachment trial is racist, therefore, Donald Trump is racist, therefore the Republican party is racist. Have a look:
CNN Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin blasted President Trump’s legal team on Saturday, arguing that its composition — all white men — highlighted how Democrats cared more about diversity.

“White House and white people,” Toobin said. “This is a lesson in the diversity of the two parties — I mean you look at the House managers. It was almost evenly divided between men and women. You had two African-Americans, you had a Hispanic.”
Is he also implying the President’s residence is racist because it’s painted white? Was it also racist when it was inhabited by the Halfrican-American soy boy and his family?
“It was all white men today, there are allegedly two white women on the team — we’ll see if they’re allowed to argue,” he continued. “But I think, you know, in a visual medium, when you have one side that has a very diverse team and the other side that’s all white men, that says something in and of itself.”
Yes, it says that you are a blithering idiot. If I’m on trial, I want the best defense lawyers I can have. I, nor do I think President Trump would, give a rat’s ass what color or sex the best lawyers were. If one was a black female, he’d pick her. If one was Hispanic, he’d be on the team. But no. If it was YOU, you’d martyr yourself in the name of “diversity.” Just like your liberal “equal opportunity” endangers all of us when minorities are given jobs from more qualified white police and fire fighter applicants.
Of course for this trial a team of chimps could probably get Trump off. There’s nothing to the democrat’s allegations.
And as for “there are allegedly two white women on the team . . . ” it’s not ALLEGED. Their names are Pam Bondi and Jane Raskin. As to whether or not they get to argue the case is irrelevant. Quite often, not everyone on any legal team gets to speak, and you know that. So go take your feminist “white men are keeping women down” propaganda elsewhere.
This wasn’t the first time CNN made racially-tinged comments. CNN anchor Anderson Cooper previously said it was “exciting” that white people will no longer represent the majority in the country.

“The idea that, you know, whites will not be the majority, I mean, that’s — it’s an exciting transformation of the country, it’s an exciting evolution and you know, progress of our country in many different ways,” he had said in August.
Toobin’s comments came as White House lawyers defended President Trump in the ongoing Senate impeachment trial. They argued that Democrats were trying to interfere in elections by seeking to remove Trump from the 2020 ballot for doing “absolutely nothing wrong.”
White House Counsel Pat Cipollone said Democrats have no case and are doing damage to democracy by trying to undermine the will of American voters.
“For all their talk about election interference, they’re here to perpetrate the most massive interference in an election in American history,” Cipollone said in his opening remarks to the Senate. “And we can’t allow that to happen.”
In summation, “Tubby” Toobin and Anderson “Likes it in the Pooper” Cooper hate white men. Perhaps both of you should prove it by stepping down from your current positions and allow them to be filled by minorities and/or women?