Elizabeth Warren Will Have ‘Young Trans Person’ Vet Her Cabinet Appointments

If elected, and that’s a big if, Elizabeth Warren has promised to make at least 50% of her cabinet women and transgender weirdos. We now get some details on how she will accomplish this pointless feat. Warren says that she will use a “young trans person” to vet her cabinet appointments. Only if this underage gender bender approves, will Warren submit her nominees for Senate approval. In other words, Elizabeth Warren isn’t a serious presidential candidate or person.

Here’s yet another reminder that Elizabeth Warren should never be president:

“For my Secretary of education, the first it has to be someone who’s taught in public school. Hello,” said Warren.

And the Secretary of Transportation has to ride a moped, and the Secretary of Agriculture has to eat asparagus, and the Secretary of the Interior has to be an interior decorator. We get it and it’s stupid, but not nearly as stupid as what came next.

“And part two, because it came from a young trans person who asked about a welcoming community and I said, ‘it starts with the Secretary of Education’ who has a lot to do with where we spend our money, with what gets advanced in our public schools, with what the standards are,” Warren said.

Apparently a young trans person asked her about her Secretary of Education or maybe Warren is just making stuff up like she usually does. In any case, this young trans person is the key to getting an appointment in the fictitious Warren administration.

“And I said, ‘I’m going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf.’ And only if this person believes that our secretary or Secretary of Education nominee who is committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone, well that person actually be advanced to Secretary of Education,” said Warren with a fist pump.

She should at least try to find a Secretary of Education that has better grammar and sentence structure than her. Also, maybe having a person with a mental disorder vetting your cabinet appointees isn’t the best path to take. This is like if Warren said that she’s going to let someone who thinks they are Abraham Lincoln make all of her important administration decisions.

Actually someone who think he’s Lincoln would do a much better job than someone who denies their own biology. There are different levels of crazy.

Elizabeth Warren’s campaign has been in a free-fall and she seems to be under the impression that trannies are going to rescue her. There are maybe a few thousand transgender people spread across the country and most of them can’t or don’t vote, so this qualifies as the worst liberal pander effort of all time.

What’s the next irrelevant voting bloc she’ll go after? Toe suckers? Vampire role players? If her goal is to attract middle class support, promising to run important decisions by teenage transgender kooks is the wrong approach. Oddly enough, most people are concerned with the economy, crime, and national security, not tranny-friendly bureaucrats.