Bette Midler Calls On Liberal ‘Men’ To Kill Republicans

For the past three and half years every liberal ploy from recounts to impeachment has failed to take down Trump and undo the will of the American people. Hollywood Resistance insaniac Bette Midler is finally out of bad ideas and has moved on to worse ideas. The rotund faded diva wants liberal “men” to kill Republicans and presumably President Trump. “Men” is in quotations because as was already mention, these are liberals and that’s not a word that applies to them.

Here’s the latest call to violence from one of the world’s biggest TDS sufferers:

There’s not any ambiguity here, Midler is telling democrats to straight-up kill Republicans. Lucky for her she is a liberal lunatic so nobody in the liberal media is going to accuse her of trying to incite violence.

There are quite a few problems with this insane rant, the first being that Midler is confused by fascism. Fascists want to kill the people they disagree ideologically like Midler is doing, while the Republicans have made no such call for violence against the left. Alos, if Trump were a fascist dictator, wouldn’t he just have a pain in the ass like Midler imprisoned or executed? Yet here she is, free to spew hated and lies on Twitter.

Next, democrats are anything but “too polite.” They say things like “impeach the motherf*cker” and tear up SOTU speeches in bind rage temper tantrums. “Polite” means being respectful and considerate to others and that’s the complete opposite of the way all democrats behave.

Along those same lines, it’s not the Republicans who play dirty. Democrats spied on Donald Trump’s campaign and tried to nuke his candidacy with disinformation from a foreign government. They then tried to set him up with a Russian collusion hoax to remove him from office. They tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s reputation and Supreme Court nomination with a bogus sexual assault allegation. They actually impeached President Trump for making an innocuous phone call.

What are the examples of Republican dirty tricks? That they win elections fair and square?

They biggest problem with Midler’s war cry is that she is expecting the beta-male nancyboys of the democratic party to go toe-to-toe with Republicans. They are bringing soybeans and snowflakes to a gun fight and will be slaughtered. I guess it’s not enough for Midler to watch democrats get annihilated at the ballot box, she wants to see a river of their blood flowing down the street.

The democrats’ problem isn’t that they are too polite or don’t fight dirty enough, it’s that they are whacko leftist lunatics who are completely out of touch with the American people. Americans want liberty, security, and prosperity and the Republicans deliver on those things. The democrats however offer infanticide, open borders, dudes showering with little girls, and communism as they take a torch to our civil rights.

Not only don’t democrats have any ideas that resonate with the majority of people in this country, they literally want to kill the ones, as Midler has demonstrated, who are bringing the liberty, security, and prosperity to the country.