Joe Biden Promises To Cure Alzheimer’s (If He Remembers)

Joe Biden says if you vote for him, he will cure a whole slew of diseases including cancer and Alzheimer’s. This may be another empty campaign promise because, let’s face it, if he could actually cure Alzheimer’s, he would have at least done it on himself. In the same speech he made this bold promise he confused his wife with his sister, proving his healing powers are absolutely non-existent.

Following his big win on Super Tuesday, Biden gave a victory speech in which he promised to do all kinds of stuff like give citizenship to all illegal aliens. He also promised free health care for everyone and that includes him curing most diseases:

“I promise you, cure for cancer. Alzheimer’s. Diabetes,” screamed Biden.

During Obama’s final year in the White House he tasked Biden with curing cancer, but the former VP was unable to do it. Despite this failure, Biden insisted last June that he has the healing powers:

“I promise you, if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America: We’re going to cure cancer,” said Biden.

At the time, I wondered: “If Biden can cure cancer, why doesn’t he just do it instead of being a dick about it? Why does he have to wait until he gets in the White House to do it?”

Now Biden has upped the ante by adding Alzheimer’s and diabetes to the list of diseases he will only cure if he is elected president. Alzheimer’s should be of particular interest to Biden since he clearly suffers from it.

I can see him dangling that carrot to get elected, but you’d think he’d at least zap his own head with his healing magic so he doesn’t come off as such a vacant aimless scatterbrain.

In fact, not long after claiming he has the power to cure this disease, he dropped this nugget of wisdom:

“Our reach should exceed our grasp, and my reach does exceed our grasp, because there’s no doubt in my mind we can grasp whatever we reach for,” said Biden.

Huh? If his reach exceeds his grasp, how can he grasp whatever he reaches for? I probably shouldn’t spend too much time trying to figure that one out.

Also in this speech, Biden reached out and grabbed his wife Jill by the arm saying, “And by the way, this is my little sister Valerie.”

If Joe is sitting on a cure for Alzheimer’s, he’s only hurting himself.

And as long as he’s curing things, he should do something about whatever ailment causes him to do this:

Good God, that is creepy as hell. Didn’t he also promise he was going to stop sniffing hair?

The great thing about Joe Biden’s unrealistic campaign promises, like curing Alzheimer’s, is that his mind is gone and he will forget about them immediately. Also the friendly liberal media won’t hold him to anything or even question the bullshit that comes out of his mouth.