Bernie Sanders Promises Free Coronavirus Vaccines If You Vote For Him

Bernie Sanders was doing okay, offering to give “free” stuff to people in promises he couldn’t possible keep, but then the establishment democratic party mobilized against him and his campaign is now in trouble. Desperate times call for desperate measures so the elderly socialist is now promising free coronavirus vaccines if he is elected president. He might do better promising free Corona beer because that’s something he could actually deliver on, but his base isn’t interested all that much in reality.

Bernie held a rally in St. Louis Monday and, to roll out his newest government giveaway, he set the table with a little coronavirus fear mongering:

“And just look at the insanity dealing with this coronavirus, this very serious problem we’e dealing with in America, dealing with all over the world. Think about the insanity of the system where today somebody wakes up and maybe they think they have the symptoms of coronavirus, yet they cannot afford to go to a doctor. What does that mean? So they’re going to go to work and make a serious epidemic even worse,” Sanders said.

You got that? Without socialism, the coronavirus will kill us all according to Comrade Bernie. I wonder if he can point out a socialist/communist country that is currently dealing with the coronavirus in a decent way because China and North Korea are absolutely failing.

“I want to get back to this coronavirus which is on many people’s minds. Trump’s people said just a little while ago, ‘yeah, we’re working on a vaccine.’ Hopefully they are,” said Sanders.

After implying that Trump is lying about the effort to develop a coronavirus vaccine, Bernie then offered to give it away for free.

“Let me tell you, if elected president, everybody in this country will get that vaccine absolutely free,” Sanders said.

So he’s going to give away something for free that doesn’t exist and that he doubts ever will exist? This is what happens when socialism meets senility.

Bernie was the frontrunner until Super Tuesday when the democratic party came together to stop a communist from being their nominee. He now trails Crazy Joe Biden by a lot and has to match his insanity. Biden has already said if he’s elected president he will cure cancer, diabetes, and that other thing he keeps forgetting. Oh yeah, it was Alzheimer’s or was it altimeters? Joe’s not sure.

To beat that, Bernie’s going to eradicate the coronavirus with a vaccine he doesn’t believe will get developed because Trump is so damn evil. It’s maybe not the best way to top curing cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s, but Bernie’s plan to cure cervical cancer with orgasms was a colossal flop. He had to do something.

This marks a huge shift in the democratic party candidates from identity politics to infirmary politics. Instead of pandering to the various races they are now pandering diseases. Who will capture the Epstein-Barr Syndrome voting bloc? Which one will attract the Polyglandular Addison’s Disease voters?

All democrats, including the ones who have dropped out of the race claim they are trying to unite the nation after President Trump has divided us, yet everything they say is to pit people against each other. They fracture the races, they drive a wedge between the classes, and now they are trying to create resentment with a health gap.

“Those non-fat cats have no right to their general fitness when so many suffer from a system that punishes obesity. If elected, I’m going to take the one-percent’s health and strength and give it to the poor and sick because six-pack abs are a constitutional right,” says Bernie Sanders sometime in the near future.