Nancy Pelosi Tells People To Bow Like Asians To Avoid Coronavirus

It would be racist if President Trump said it, but Nancy Pelosi has the full protection that comes with being a full of crap liberal. The House Speaker is advising people that the best way to avoid contracting the coronavirus is to bow like Asians in stead of shaking hands. Pelosi, like all democrats, thinks it racist to call the disease “Wuhan” or “Chinese” coronavirus, but stereotyping Asians is perfectly fine.

In her weekly press conference, Pelosi decided she needed to tell people how to avoiding getting the coronavirus.

“I want you to wash your hands for 20 seconds, not just all the time, just for no reason not at all,” started Pelosi.

It’s unclear what that order was. Is she telling people to people to wash their hands or not? Pelosi added to the confusion as she continued.

“One bit of advice they told me, I was talking to someone from California and I said my usual saying, you know that a month ago I might have said that whoever the nominee the party we will enthusiastically embrace. And then I changed it to whoever the nominee is, the party will enthusiastically elbow-bump,” Pelosi said.

Okay, maybe or maybe not wash your hands and no hugging old white guys. Got it. What else does Pelosi think we should do to avoid the coronavirus?

“Somebody said to me that when you elbow-bump you get too close to the person so forget any physical contact greetings and bow in the Eastern style,” said Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi’s “science-based” advice is that people should bow like the Asians. She said in “the Eastern style” which is actually worse because she’s pretty much saying, “bow like them Orientals.” This would be racist if a Republican said it so at the very least, it should be “tone-deaf” coming from a democrat.

Do we have to apologize for not shaking hands by saying “me so solly” as well? Pelosi didn’t say, but that was obviously implied.

Pelosi gives the Trump administration a lot of crap, claiming they aren’t basing their response to the coronavirus on science and are ignoring he experts. Pelosi’s racist response however comes from someone in California, so obviously she has consulted the best most sciencey experts in the world.

Just 2 days ago Pelosi was angry with Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy for being racist about the coronavirus:

So calling it the Chinese coronavirus is a bigoted piece of misinformation? But it started in China and up until a few weeks ago, everyone in the liberal media was calling it this.

In fact, diseases are often named after the point of origin: Spanish flu, German measles, Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, etc…

The only problem with the name of this particular disease is that too many stupid people think you can get coronavirus from drinking Corona beer. You might get some diarrhea the next day, but that’s because Mexican beer is a little skunky.

Why does Nancy Pelosi think it’s racist to call the disease “Chinese coronavirus” but doesn’t have a problem telling people to bow like Asians to avoid it? This answer to this and ever other question about Pelosi’s senility is because she’s a liberal democrat and is completely full of shit.