Fidel Castro Fan Bernie Sanders Gets His Ass Kicked In Florida

You may have not even noticed amid all of this coronavirus hysteria, but there were some democratic primaries today. Florida, Illinois, and Arizona held primaries on Tuesday and like recent other votes, democrats chose crazy over communism. It looks like Joe Biden will win all three states, but Bernie Sanders really got his ass kicked in Florida because he’s a big fan of communist dictator Fidel Castro and the Cuban exiles of the state don’t care much for that crap.

For some reason Bernie Sanders has been praising the hell out of late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. He’s actually trying to get people to think he’s not a communist and presumably he would want to win Florida in the democratic primaries. Neither of these things happened.

Joe Biden got 62% of the vote in Florida, with Sanders taking 23%. That’s what’s known as a full-scale ass-kicking. Bernie might have done better in the state if he didn’t spend so much time bragging about Fidel Castro’s balls bouncing off his chin.

Bernie did a little better in Arizona, but still lost. Joe won the state with 42% going for crazy while only 30% went with communist Bernie. Still, 26% of Arizonan democrats voted for people who ain’t even in the race anymore like Micheal Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg. For Bernie to only do 4% better than losers who dropped out 2 weeks ago can’t feel good.

In Illinois, Bernie once agains took the loss. Biden got 59% with Sanders getting only 36%. Again, this is pretty much an ass-whooping. Of all the Midwestern states, Illinois probably has the most communist and Bernie couldn’t even turn out a respectable showing

With all of the coronavirus hysteria, the liberia media barely covered the democratic primaries. Maybe that’s good for Bernie: if the media doesn’t report on Sanders getting his ass kicked, maybe it never happened.

Anyone with a half brain and half an ounce of integrity would drop out of the race. There is no path for Sanders to win the nomination. The only reason for Bernie to hang on at this point is to force the eventual nominee, Joe Biden, to move to the left.

While Joe has definitely moved to left, even though he doesn’t know it, he will have to pivot back to sanity in the general election. Obviously Joe can’t even fake sane, but he’ll need to pretend he’s not a whacko socialist to avoid a complete embarrassment on Election Day.

Bernie is dunzo, but he’s going to use his psychotic supporters as a bargaining chip or he will burn the democratic party to the ground. He doesn’t have enough support to win, but he he’s got enough that if the democratic party doesn’t kiss his ass they will hand President Trump a landslide reelection victory.

The irony is, to placate Bernie, the democrats will have to make Joe Biden even less electable than he already is. Imagine crazy Joe babbling about kids rubbing his hairy legs while claiming that people have a Constitutional right to free leg hair removal cream. That’s what Bernie is going to do to the democratic nominee and guarantee 4 more years of Trump.