Where’s Joe? Biden Hasn’t Been Seen In Over A Week

Even though he may not be entirely aware of it, Joe Biden is running for president. Sure, there’s a coronavirus lockdown, but the former vice president hasn’t been seen or heard from in 8 days. Is he okay? I understand that’s kind of a loaded question because obviously Biden’s not okay mentally, but is he still alive? Are his handlers trying to pull a weekend at Bernie’s kind of thing until the election? It does seem a bit strange that someone who is involved in the democratic primary would just disappear for over a week.

On March 13, 8 days ago, Biden held a bonkers virtual town hall in which he lied about his Senate record and forgot what year it is. Since then, he has made no public appearances. There have been statements issued on his behalf, but nobody has actually seen him.

This isn’t some right-wing conspiracy, even CBS has noticed the complete absence of Biden insanity:

That video message last Tuesday doesn’t count because it was pre-recorded and he didn’t say anything that couldn’t have been known or guessed at days earlier.

And it gets worse because Mother Jones is already making excuses for Absent Joe: There’s No Reason to Worry About Joe Biden Being MIA for a Few Days

Ever since he won Tuesday’s primaries Joe Biden has mostly kept out of sight, something that has lots of lefties upset for reasons that mostly escape me. For one thing, it’s only been three days. For another, it’s normal for candidates to take a breather and review their strategy going forward after they’ve locked up the nomination—as Biden clearly has. Furthermore, even after locking things up, nominees have to be careful not to bigfoot legislative leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, who are currently negotiating coronavirus legislation and don’t want to be undermined by Biden mouthing off with his own plans. Ego management is important at all times.

This all sounds pretty reasonable to me. I very much doubt that Biden has lost anything by staying quiet for a few days in March.

If everything was fine, the liberal media wouldn’t be making excuses.

The Hill reports that Biden did a teleconference with his donors recently, but they don’t have any pictures or video to prove it actually happened:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday he will begin broadcasting regular briefings about the coronavirus pandemic from his home in Delaware, following criticism from some on the left that he’s been absent as the public health crisis has escalated.

Video or it didn’t happen. Also, why in God’s name does Biden, or his handlers, think he should be giving daily coronavirus updates? He is not an elected official, he has no access to the experts handling the situation, and he’s completely insane (if he’s still alive).

Biden [said] that his campaign team is installing a “new high-speed line” in his home and turning a recreation room into a television studio so he can broadcast from home at a time when government officials are asking people to stay indoors.

Biden said he expected to address voters from his home on Monday at 11:30 a.m. EDT.

We shall see.

It’s doubtful that Biden has passed away, but given his senility, he probably has wandered off and doesn’t know where he is. I’m sure family and friends are out looking for him and he’ll be found soon. I would suggest looking for him at a public pool where he is undoubtedly letting little kids rub his hairy legs. If he’s not there, look for him behind a gym where he’s fighting imaginary President Trump.