The Russian Press Has Noticed Joe Biden Has Lost His Mind

Whenever I cover Biden’s raging dementia I usually note that the U.S. media completely ignores it but that the Russians and Chinese are paying attention. I hate to toot my own horn, but I called this one. The Russian press has definitely noticed the wacky hi-jinx of president Alzheimers. The cool thing for the American liberal media for missing this hot scoop is that they can dismiss this as Russian disinformation, like they do with everything else that threatens their narrative and agenda.

This an article from Komsomolskaya Pravda, which I used Google Translate to read:

Is Biden in his right mind: five signs of dementia that can be found in the President of the United States

The fact that the very elderly US President Joe Biden suffers from dementia was said even before he became the head of the American state: too often in the last years of his life he either forgot names and dates, or lost his orientation in space. Americans feel sorry for their president, but at the same time they are wondering if such a person is able to perform the functions of not only the owner of the Oval Office of the White House, but also the supreme commander of one of the most powerful armies in the world?

The Russian paper then listed 5 symptoms of dementia and gave examples of Biden exhibiting them:


In March of this year, speaking at one of the public events, the President of the United States forgot who … his wife was. Explaining the absence of Vice President Kamala Harris, he called her husband “the husband of the first lady.”


This is not the first time Biden has been “lost”. Last Thursday, when he was in North Carolina, he finished his speech, turned to the side and began to speak into empty space, and then began to imitate a handshake with someone invisible.


There, in North Carolina, without realizing that there was no one else on the stage, Biden began to feverishly look around the stage on which he stood. His expression was confused. This miserable spectacle ended with the fact that the president began to wander aimlessly around the crowded hall.


At least twice, Biden yelled at reporters: at one of the press conferences, he called the question of a Fox News representative stupid, another time he lashed out at another reporter, calling him a “stupid son of a bitch.”


Biden’s senile, shuffling gait is attributed by his attending physician to a recent fracture. But Dr. Siegel, who is a professor at NYU Medical Center, says: “I don’t like Biden’s walking problems being attributed to his broken leg. Gait disturbances, especially Biden’s, which result in shortened, asymmetrical strides, are often associated with dementia.”

He is an aimal-walking mis oriented mother*cker, isn’t he?

Def-Con News has covered many of these events of which the Russian press speaks so it’s definitely not disinformation:

Biden Announces ‘The First Lady’s Husband Has COVID’

Joe Biden Shakes Hands With The Invisible Man In North Carolina

Joe Biden Calls Reporter ‘Stupid Son-Of-A-Bitch’ On Hot Mic

And we noted: “While the liberal media is ignoring this, you can bet your ass Russia and China are paying attention.”

Possibly the funniest thing was the conclusion the Russian paper came to:

Many attribute every new oddity in Biden’s behavior to dementia, and to its progress and worsening. And they even call the presence of a 79-year-old man as president of the United States “abuse of the elderly.”

Actually it’s “America abuse” to have this braindead fool destroying our nation, but Russia was close enough. Then again, maybe something was lost in the translation.