Trump’s Letter To Schumer: ‘I Never Knew How Bad A Senator You Are’

Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter to President Trump bitching that he needs to do stuff he’s already done in regards to the coronavirus outbreak. Trump, because he’s the master, sent a letter back to Cryin’ Chuck telling him what a crappy Senator he is. There’s not much to smile about lately, but this letter should have everyone not suffering from TDS grinning and laughing out loud.

If you remember, Chuck Schumer held up the coronavirus relief package because Nancy Pelosi told him too. Apparently she also the speaker of his balls. After delaying much needed relief during this national emergency, Schumer had the nerve to fire off a letter to President Trump complaining that relief wasn’t coming fast enough. The basic theme of this Schumer letter was a list of demands that the President do things he was already doing.

Trump could have let it go, but that’s not who his is. Instead he sent a letter back to Schumer that is one of the funniest things you’ll read in a long time. Here is that letter in its entirety and all of it’s comedic brilliance:

Dear Senator Schumer:

Thank you for your Democrat public relations letter and incorrect sound bites, which are wrong in every way.

1. As you are aware, Vice President Pence is in charge of the Task Force. By almost all accounts, he has done a spectacular job.

2. The Defense Production Act (DPA) has been consistently used by my team and me for the purchase of billions of dollars worth of equipment, medical supplies, ventilators, and other related items. It has been powerful leverage. So powerful that companies generally do whatever we are asking without even a formal notice. They know something is coming and that’s all they need to know.

3. A “senior military officer” is in charge of purchasing, distributing, etc. His name is Rear Admiral John Polowezyk. He is working 24 hours a day, and is highly respected by everyone. If you remember, my team gave you this information, but for public relations purposes you choose to ignore it.

4. We have given New York many things, including hospitals, medical centers, medical supplies, record numbers of ventilators, and more. You should have had New York much better prepared than you did and as Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx said yesterday, New York was very late in its fight against the virus. As you are aware. the Federal Government is merely a back-up for state governments. Unfortunately, your state needed far more of a back-up than most others.

If you spent less time on your ridiculous impeachment hoax, which went haplessly on forever and ended up going nowhere (except increasing my poll numbers), and instead focused on helping the people of New York, then New York would not have been so completely unprepared for the “invisible enemy.” No wonder AOC and others are thinking about running against you in the primary. If they did, they would likely win.

Fortunately, we have been working with your state and city governments, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, to get the job done. You have been missing in action except when it comes to the “press.” While you have stated that you don’t like Andrew Cuomo, you ought to start working alongside him for the good of all New Yorkers.

I’ve known you for many years, but I never knew how bad a Senator you are for the state of New York, until I became President.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Or, in the alternative call Rear Admiral Polowezyk.

Sincerely yours,

Donald J. Trump

Trump signed this awesome letter with a Sharpie to drive everything home.

No doubt Chuck gave the letter to Pelosi so she could tear it up for him. In addition to being in charge of his testicles, she does all of his manual labor.

I, for one, look forward to 4 more years of this kind of hilarity. Yeah, Joe Biden is funny too, but it’s unintentional and really quite sad. Seriously, Biden desperately needs help.