Liberal Media Explains How Inflation And High Gas Prices Are Good For Americans

Joe Biden’s illegitimate presidency has been a catastrophe with one crisis after another, all caused by his incompetence. His latest disaster is the supply chain clusters*ck that is forcing the price of everything higher and will lead to empty shelves. Biden’s PR department, known as the liberal media, however says that inflation and his gas prices are actually good for Americans because that’s what they’re paid to do.

Of all the things Biden has screwed up, the supply chain is easily the worst thing as it will end up burying working and middle class families. Rich assholes like him can afford to pay more at the pump and the grocery store but working people who are barely getting by cannot. It’s going to come down to choosing whether to buy food or pay the bills.

Never fear. There won’t be any outrage from the liberal media to alarm the people of this looming cataclysm. In fact, they want us all to think Biden’s doing right by us with runaway inflation.

Abigail Morone from The Washington Examiner did a piece on how high gas prices have gotten with an explanation for why it’s all Joe Biden’s fault:

And NBC “journalist” Carl Quintanilla was quick with this liberal media “fact-chect” to protect Biden:

I honestly have no idea what that chart is supposed to show but I do know that Quintanilla is trying to tell us that higher gas prices are better for us somehow.

This is something Bloomberg tried to pull off as well:

America need higher, longer-lasting inflation? That’s some straight-up George Orwell 1984 shit right there.

If you’re keeping track, the liberal narrative has gone like this in the past few months: 1) There is no inflation, 2) The inflation is only temporary, 3) Inflation is awesome as f*ck and we need more of it!

When the liberal media starts telling you that inflation and high gas prices are good for you, that means it’s about to get dramatically worse. If there were indicators that inflation was going to come down soon, they wouldn’t bother trying to sugar-coat Biden’s latest disaster. This thing is about to go full-socialism with breadlines and food riots.

Last week I bought a can of tomato sauce for 79 cents. I bought that same can of tomato sauce at the same grocery store yesterday and it now costs 99 cents. That’s a 20 cent jump in one week. Wow, big deal, 20 cents, right? Not really because if everything is going up like that we’re all spending $125 to get $100 worth of groceries like we did last week. In the likely event that prices are going rise even higher, a lot of people are going to be priced out of the consumer food market altogether.

And that’s assuming there’s food on the shelves, which isn’t a guarantee. I know people who work at major retailers and they all tell me the same thing: the stores are running out of merchandise and they don’t know when they’ll be getting new shipments. Obviously that isn’t food, but food will be next because the problem involves a lack of truckers to deliver this stuff.

Joe Biden f*cked up immigration, Afghanistan, COVID-19, foreign policy, domestic policy, and the economy, but if people can’t get or afford food, it will not only be his biggest failure but the biggest failure of any U.S. president in history. It will also be the end of this country because people ain’t just going to sit around starving, they will revolt.