Racial Grievance Mob Comes After Liberal Dixie Chicks

Ever since a black guy on drugs died from a heart attack in Minneapolis the left side of sanity has been busy scrubbing American history and culture of everything they find racially offensive. They honestly think everything is racist, so it’ll take a while but they’ll eventually get to everything. Right now however, they are going after country music and more specifically the Dixie Chicks in a push to get the leftist trio to change their racist name. It’s always fun when the left eats their own.

The Dixie Chicks at one point were huge, but then they bad-mouthed president George W. Bush, America, and the U.S. military and suddenly their career tanked. It never really recovered because country music fans hate leftist hippy America-haters. They do however still exist, but unfortunately the racial grievance mob is coming for them and demanding they change their name.

Here’s a dumb thing that originally appeared in Variety:

Is it time for the Dixie Chicks to rethink their name?

“Dixie,” for the record, is the epitome of white America, a celebration of a Southern tradition that is indivisible from Black slaves and those grand plantations where they were forced to toil for free.

Regardless of its origin, for many Blacks, it conjures a time and a place of bondage. If a “Dixie”-loving Southerner today insist the word merely represents a deep appreciation of their homeland, they’re probably white.

That’s some white privilege right there. When white people say they want to hang on to their cultural artifacts, regardless of how they might make minorities feel, it’s the most passive-aggressive expression of white supremacy. They are basically saying their history and heritage is worth more than the history and heritage of Black people. Who cares if the Confederacy and words like “Dixie” conjure memories of a time when Blacks were in chains? Apparently white Southerners matter more.

In answer to the author’s question, he’s saying emphatically “yes” the Dixie Chicks must change their racist-ass name.

But what will they change it to when they eventually cave to this unreasonable demand? I think they should go with “Dicksy Chicks” because it sounds the same and they are kind of dicksy.

This comes after another country act, Lady Antebellum, changed their name to “Lady A” to avoid the racial connotations of a latin word that means “before the war.” Unfortunately for them. “Lady A” is already a black soul singer’s name, so in an effort to appease the racial grievance mob, they ended up stealing from a black person. There is no pleasing lunatic radicals and the more you try, the worse it makes it.

Obviously the grievance brigade will eventually come for the rest of the musical genres and I’ve identified a few “problematic” names, racially, sexually, and religiously, and offered a less offensive alternative.

Confederate Railroad – Eco-Friendly Mass Transit

Black Sabbath – Rainbow Sunday

Barry White – (posthumously) Barry Black

Alice in Chains – Emancipated Alice

Taylor Swift – White Girls Ain’t That Fast

Simply Red – Simply Indigenous

Christopher Cross — Christopher Coexist

Jesus and the Mary Chain – Muhammed and the Daisy Chain


Manford Mann – Personford Person

The Police – Defund the Police

America – America is Racist

Should I start a pool to see which one of these happens first?