BET Founder Proposes $14 Trillion In Slave Reparations So White People Can ‘Apologize’

Guilty white liberals have been bending over backwards and getting on their knees with meaningless gestures to appease the Black Live Matter outrage machine but one black guy has a better idea: dollar dollar bills, y’all. Robert Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, says white folks need to put their money where their knees are and pony up $14 trillion in slave reparations. While it’s nice that The Simpsons won’t let white actors voice black cartoon characters and realtors in Texas can’t say “master bedroom” anymore, what black people really want is cash money.

Fox News reports:

Robert Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, says it’s time America atones for slavery and systemic racism by paying African-Americans reparations to make them economically equal to white Americans.

Johnson, the first black billionaire in the United States, has put a price tag on the debt America owes to African-Americans at $14 trillion.

“Nobody talks about cash, but black people understand cash,” Johnson said.

Under his proposal, an estimated 40 million African-Americans would get $350,000 in direct cash payments over 30 years (costing the average taxpayer roughly $2,900 a year, according to his office). The $350,000 would signify the wealth disparity between African-Americans and white Americans.

Johnson contends white Americans built generations of wealth on the backs of slave labor, and black people will never be able to catch up in wealth unless they are paid this debt.

“You want a big idea: white America, what would happen if you said, ‘please forgive us and accept our apology. And by the way, we think we owe you what was taken from you for over 300 years of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and denial of economic opportunity and rights,” said Johnson.

Since it was the democrats behind slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and black oppression, it seems like Johnson is fishing for a $14 trillion apology from the democratic party, but he actually wants all white Americans to kick in on these reparations.

There’s quite a few problems with his plan beyond forcing people who had nothing to do with any of this racism to pay for it. First, while there may be 40 million black people in the U.S., not all of them are descended from slaves. Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. Does she get a check?

Second, $350,000 paid out over 30 years breaks down to $11,667 a year per slave descendant and that’s not enough to build wealth. A thousand bucks a month is not enough to pull black people out of poverty and chances are, most of them would waste this on stupid shit like Air Jordans.

Lastly, poor white Americans can’t afford to pay an extra $2,900 a year and if they are forced to, it’s going to create more resentment and racism.

My family came to America after The Civil War and settled in the Midwest. They had nothing to do with slavery or segregation. Why should I feel guilty about this stuff and more importantly why should I be obligated to pay for it? The answer to both of those questions is: I shouldn’t.

If black people want reparations and an apology, go after the people responsible for it: the democratic party. If there were a national referendum to force the democrats to pay reparations, I would vote for it but there’s no way in hell I’m helping foot the bill.