Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Happy Friday Deplorables – It’s the 4th of July weekend and Americans are locked down while communist mobs are in the streets – something is very wrong with this picture.

What Does Our Nation Mean to Us? Rejecting the Culture of Hate

Via American Greatness

Freedom has died many times in history; let us not witness new death pangs on the anniversary of its birth.

As we approach this Fourth of July, the United States is consumed by reckless violence, nihilistic silencing, and a systematic assault on the nation’s cultural and political patrimony. The voices of sanity are few, and civic courage is in short supply. The exemplars of such courage in the Anglo-American tradition—Washington, Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill—are under assault from angry extremists who topple statues with impunity and demand absolute conformity. Government at every level appears impotent as indignant fanatics rule the streets. We have arrived at the unthinkable: “America’s Jacobin moment,” as an editorial in the Wall Street Journal aptly put it. What has happened to our republic?

Our talking heads, the so-called “chattering classes,” pretend that this eruption of insanity has something to do with the quest for racial justice. That could not be further from the truth. Black Lives Matter—the movement, not the slogan—is in fact a racialist and ideological organization that denies common humanity and a morality applicable to all human beings. Professed enemies of decency and restraint, these Maoists and para-Marxists demonize all white people and anyone of any race or religion who challenges their bizarre and fanatical worldview, as well as the police (whose immediate abolition they demand). Of course, they do not believe that all black lives matter: Those black people, including children, cut down by urban violence in Chicago or Baltimore every weekend, or aborted at higher numbers than they are born in New York City, don’t pass ideological muster. Black lives matter, of course, because all lives matter, but that elementary truth is now verboten. All races are equal, but in BLM’s universe, some are more equal than others. This is a recipe for hatred and perpetual social conflict.

To affirm the moral law, the natural law, the spirit of the Ten Commandments, the true ground of all human dignity, is now said to be an indelible mark of racism. The mob dictates, and subservient elites shamelessly comply. We are witnessing nothing less than a Cultural Revolution marked by voluntary servitude or self-enslavement. American democracy risks committing suicide. Things are just that stark. And our pusillanimous cultural elites risk plunging us off the cliff like the “Gadarene swine” described in Scripture, but with the demons in charge rather than exorcised.

True democracy presupposes mutual accountability and mutual respect. Our greatest and most noble president, Abraham Lincoln, “loathed slavery,” as Frederick Douglass, the greatest black American of the 19th century, rightly said. “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master,” Lincoln wrote in a note to himself in August 1858. This, he said, “expresses my idea of democracy.” And in his Gettysburg Address of November 1863, he called for a “new birth of freedom” that would bring black Americans fully into the American civic community. Lincoln knew that proud black men had spilled their blood for the Union and liberty and that Americans owed them honor and due respect for their sacrifices on behalf of the republic. As Douglass said in his dedication to the Freedmen’s Monument in Washington, D.C., in April 1876—a statue dedicated by former slaves in memory of Lincoln—one must show gratitude and appreciation to those “loyal, brave, and patriotic” black soldiers who “fell in defense of the Union and liberty.” Both they and Lincoln died at the service of a republic worthy of free men and women, one where citizens shared in rule and were neither masters nor slaves. We should be proud of that shared civic legacy, that mutual struggle for liberty and human dignity.

But now even the Freedmen’s Monument is threatened by a mob of angry thugs. These “Bourgeois Bolsheviks,” as the American Conservative recently described them, despise the mutual accountability and respect for law that undergirds true liberty and equality. They mock the greatness of Lincoln and Douglass. They are defined by ignorance, ingratitude, and envy. Their ignoble “passion for equality,” as Tocqueville called it, is a grotesque perversion of the noble moral and civic equality that underlies the American proposition. This desire to tear down, to destroy and repudiate the patrimony of our fathers, is incompatible with civilized existence.

Read the entire article HERE.

Homeland Security Chief: To Attack Our Monuments Is To Attack America

Via The Federalist

The violent mob is not worthy of even polishing George Washington’s statue, let alone desecrating it.

This weekend, we celebrate the birth of the greatest enterprise in the history of mankind, the United States of America, and our ancestors’ brave decision to fight for their freedom from British oppression. That fight was led by George Washington, but sadly, the mobs of violent protestors who recently debased statues of our first president and founding father despise him and the nation he built.

The Fourth of July observes one of the most seismic shifts in human history. Before the Declaration of Independence, mankind was divided into nations by ethnicities and tribes. The Founding Fathers gave birth to a new type of nation. As G.K. Chesterton wrote, “America is the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed… It enunciates that all men are equal in their claim to justice, that governments exist to give them that justice, and that their authority is for that reason just.”

The miracle of the American experiment was not the result of a natural sequence of events. An exceptionally virtuous and educated cadre of statesmen broke away from the politics of millennia and created something new. Only by this political miracle do Americans enjoy our freedoms. It is on the virtue and sacrifice of the founding fathers and the numerous men and women who carry on their legacy that America is still free today.

It should be no surprise that George Washington receives such a special vitriol from the lawless mobs, as he was the paradigm of our founding fathers. Under Washington, the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were realized. He mobilized volunteers to enforce our rights against the world’s preeminent superpower. His soldiers and ragtag militiamen routed a king’s army and navy.

Yet, when Washington’s power reached its maximum, he gifted it away. By the time Washington became president, this was the least impressive item on his résumé. But even in that endeavor, he set the gold standard for statesmanship. Washington again voluntarily relinquished his power after two terms in office, inaugurating a foundational democratic principle that has lasted centuries.

Read the entire article HERE.

Are Uncivil Protests And Mob Violence Winning?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Consider what else the radicals and rioters have accomplished. They have made mass civil disobedience an acceptable and even praiseworthy form of protest, if you are justifiably outraged. They have won near-immunity for burning and looting stores. Blanket amnesties at the state and city level appear to be in the cards…

The Seattle Commune is no more.

Declared three weeks ago by radical leftists as CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, rechristened CHOP, the Capitol Hill Occupation Protest, the six-block enclave inside Seattle ceased to exist July 1. The cops shut it down.

As Marx said, history repeats itself, first as tragedy then as farce.

If the Paris Commune of 1871 is the archetype, that mass uprising and swift slaughter of the communards who rose against the regime, what happened in Seattle is the farce.

Police Chief Carmen Best, who opposed Mayor Jenny Durkan’s surrender of one of her precinct stations to the mob, explained in exasperation why her cops finally acted:

“Enough is enough. The CHOP (had) become lawless and brutal. Four shootings — two fatal — robberies, assaults, violence and countless property crimes have occurred in this several block area.”

The shooting death of a 16-year-old and critical wounding of a 14-year-old on Monday finally forced the mayor’s hand.

Some journalists touring the CHOP had burbled on like Lincoln Steffens on his first trip to Lenin’s Russia, “I have been over into the future and it works!”

They wrote of “peaceful” meetings, “documentary screenings” and “concerts.” Best was more hardheaded about what she found after recapturing the CHOP: “After walking through the area I was stunned by the amount of graffiti, garbage, and property destruction.”

Apparently, however, Mayor Durkan does not want posterity to forget the glory days of what she had predicted would be a “summer of love.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Exposing the Lies of Black Lives Matter

Via Front Page Magazine

Where black racism and Marxism are dressed up as “social justice.”

Black Lives Matter (BLM) was established in 2013 by a trio of self-identified Marxist revolutionaries. Striving to make white Americans “uncomfortable about institutional racism” and the “structural oppression” that allegedly “prevents so many [black people] from realizing their dreams,” BLM contends that blacks living under America’s “white supremacist system” are routinely targeted for “extrajudicial killings … by police and vigilantes.” That claim has become an article of faith for the millions of American leftists who dutifully parrot BLM’s talking points. The remainder of this article is dedicated to providing hard data which exposes BLM’s worldview as nothing more than a mountain of malicious lies.

Debunking BLM’s Claims About Police Use of Force

A major Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report in 2001 examined incidents where police in the United States used deadly force to kill criminal suspects between 1976 and 1998. During that 23-year span, 42% of all suspects killed by police were black – a figure that comported precisely with the percentage of violent crimes committed by African Americans during that same period. This is enormously significant because we would expect that in police forces not plagued by systemic racism, officers would shoot suspects of various racial or ethnic backgrounds at rates closely resembling their respective involvement in the types of serious crimes most likely to elicit the use of force by police. And indeed, that is exactly what the evidence shows.

The same BJS report found that in nearly two-thirds of all justifiable homicides by police during 1976-98, the officer’s race and the suspect’s race were the same. When a white or Hispanic officer killed a suspect, that suspect was usually (63% of the time) white or Hispanic as well. And when a black officer killed a suspect, that suspect was usually black (81% of the time).

The BJS report also examined the rate at which officers killed suspects of other racial or ethnic backgrounds. In 1998, the “black-officer-kills-black-felon” rate was 32 per 100,000 black officers, more than double the rate at which white and Hispanic officers killed black felons (14 per 100,000). That same year, the rate at which white and Hispanic officers killed white or Hispanic felons (28 per 100,000) was much higher than the “black-officer-kills-white-or-Hispanic-felon” rate of 11 per 100,000.

Read the entire article HERE.

A Covid Vaccine Is Coming, and Death Is Coming With It!

By Gary D. Barnett

Mass vaccination, and likely eventual mandatory vaccination, is on the horizon, and has already been accepted by most in this country and around the world as a necessity for avoiding the so-called novel coronavirus. This false notion being pushed on the people by the state and its media is but a lie masquerading as the truth. Propaganda at this level would make Hitler proud. It will not be a godsend for the world, but will be the state’s weapon of choice for mass murder for the purpose of genocide and population control. No coronavirus or RNA vaccines have ever been effective, but have been very dangerous to the health of those inoculated. In the case of this new vaccine being fast-tracked, it will be untested, and the risks due to many factors will be astronomical.

We are currently living in a world that has turned all that is sane insane, and all that is insane sane. That is the essence of a backward world, and one that is self-destructive by design. This is a world where nature and natural law have been replaced by the unnatural and manmade laws that have brought about the eradication of every aspect of quality life. It is a world where the human body and soul are considered the enemy, while poisonous toxins, biological experimentation, and genetically modified organisms are considered man’s healing agents. It is a world where logic is shunned and stupidity accepted, where truth is attacked while propaganda is embraced, where self-defense is prosecuted while violent crime is worshipped, and where compassion and reality have been replaced by false emotion and intellectual unconsciousness. Arrogant confusion and mass ignorance now pass for normalcy, while the death of innocents has readily been accepted by the masses. Society’s moral standards have been abandoned, and have been replaced by hate and indifference.

How could an entire planet go berserk seemingly overnight? How could nearly 8 billion people lose all common sense, self-responsibility, and nearly every flicker of elemental intellect in the blink of an eye? Why has our world been turned upside down? The answer is because this did not happen overnight; it happened over decades, but now we are headed toward total destruction, and that destruction is being voluntarily accepted by the now weak and pitiful bulk of humanity.

It is important to consider that any new Covid vaccine will not only be tainted with several different deadly viruses, but will also be filled with deadly adjutants as well, possibly including mercury, aluminum, and other poisons. In addition, tracking and tracing technology, biological nano-particles, and other unrelated toxins could be an unknown part of any possible gene-altering injection. Whatever the makeup of this vaccine, it is certain that everything in it once given will then be inside the bodies of all those inoculated. Once these viruses and other agents are inside the body, weak or compromised immune systems due to the stress of isolation and quarantine, lack of exercise and sunlight, additional and continued job loss, oxygen stealing masks, and other factors will allow for those newly injected viruses to attack those vaccinated by replicating and causing sickness and disease. This will be especially deadly for the old, sick, and infirmed, but those people are already being murdered by the state due to the inhuman response to this fabricated coronavirus pandemic hoax. This was no accident, and exposes that the ruling elites and the government eugenics agenda is already being implemented.

Read the entire article HERE.

Woke Sports Won’t Last Much Longer

Via UncoverDC

The Wokification of American sports is now complete. And plenty of sports fans in this country are not liking what they are hearing as MLB, NBA and the NFL prepare to launch their upcoming seasons.

The NBA has announced that a very prominent “Black Lives Matters” logo will be displayed court-side at many NBA games this year.

The NBA has announced that a very prominent “Black Lives Matters” logo will be displayed courtside at many NBA games this year. And now the NFL has announced that before every game played on the season’s opening weekend, the “Black National Anthem”, “Lift Ev’ry Voice And Sing” will be played. It has not been reported that it is replacing the National Anthem, so apparently both songs are going to be played for all sixteen games.

The NFL had the whole kneeling-for-the-national-anthem issue resurrected back in early June after Drew Brees, the popular quarterback for the New Orleans Saints made a comment during an interview. Brees drew immediate backlash for saying “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag.”

In less than 48 hours, after being deluged with fierce criticism for this statement, Brees did a complete and humiliating reversal. He issued an apology and began criticizing President Donald Trump, saying “We must stop talking about the flag and shift our attention to the real issues of systemic racial injustice, economic oppression, police brutality, and judicial & prison reform.”

Here We Go Again
The NFL had successfully navigated the anthem issue after seeing a viewership plunge in the 2017 season. Prior to San Francisco’s QB, Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling for the anthem beginning in 2017, the anthem was rarely shown on national telecasts. That was usually reserved for special games, such as the NFL’s Thanksgiving and Super Bowl broadcasts.

However, Kaepernick, and then other players around the league kneeling during the anthem became newsworthy, and so the networks began focusing attention on it. The ritual quickly became a staple of most NFL regular season broadcasts: showing the anthem and then having the cameras find the kneeling players, coaches, and in some cases, owners, as the network sportscasters discussed police brutality, white supremacy and other racial topics, often up to the game’s opening kickoff.

Many fans of the sport reacted negatively to this, and at the end of the season the NFL noticed a decline in viewers. Although there is some dispute about how much the kneeling protests affected the ratings, there’s no doubt there was an awful lot of chatter from fans about this new trend, and it was almost all negative.

The solution that the NFL worked out with the broadcast networks for the 2019 season was to simply go back to what had been the standard operating procedure before all this started: The players having the choice to stay in the locker room while the anthem was played, and the network’s cameras skipping the anthem altogether. The broadcast audience never saw anyone kneeling on the sidelines, so out of sight, out of mind.

With the kneeling and the political lectures excised from the national broadcasts, the ratings for the NFL games ticked back upwards during the 2019 season and it looked like the league had learned a valuable lesson: stick to sports.

And then one comment from Drew Brees brought all this roaring back to the forefront.

Read the entire article HERE.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I am taking the 4th off, so have a nice weekend Deplorables.

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