Hillary Clinton Says She Shouldn’t Be Locked Up Because She Hasn’t Done Anything Wrong

For those of you who think Cleopatra was the Queen of the Nile (Denial) it’s actually quadrennial loser Hillary Clinton. In the years since Donald Trump kicked her ass in the 2016 presidential election, she has spent her time blaming everyone except herself for the loss. One of the ways Trump beat her was establishing the chant “locker her up” for the variety of crimes she has committed. In a new denial of reality, Hillary says she shouldn’t be locked up because she’s never done anything wrong.

Hillary did an interview with The Hollywood Reporter because even the regular liberal media has grown tied of her. There are couple of interesting tidbits in this softball Q&A, but this stands out the most:

During or after the 2016 race, did she ever fear that Trump would actually “lock her up”? “I didn’t know what he was capable of… Look, if I had ever done anything wrong, he would have gone after me. Let me put it that way. You know, I’ve never done anything wrong. I’m, you know, as some people like to say, the most investigated, exonerated person in recent history.

When has Hillary Clinton ever been exonerated of anything? She has a lot of suspicious things hanging out there like White Water, Vince Foster, Benghazi, and her private e-mail server, but she’s never been thoroughly investigated or exonerated for any of it.

And While Hillary claims she’s never done anything wrong, she feels like President Trump should probably go to jail for stuff that he actually has been exonerated for:

Should Trump be ‘locked up’ after he leaves office? “I believe in the rule of law. If there’s evidence that he should be investigated, then hopefully a non-partisan, very deliberative process would be used, not what we’re seeing in the current Justice Department, which is undermining the rule of law and our institutions.”

She defrauded investors, made a killing on insider trading, killed a guy, killed some more Americans, leaked classified information to the Chinese, and killed another guy and she has the balls to claim she believes in the rule of law? Is that the rule that says democrats are above the law, because that’s the only way her statement isn’t a lie. And if it’s not a lie, it’s still f*cked up because democrats should be held to the same standards as the rest of us.

And because she’s riding a unicorn boat down the Nile (denial), she dropped this delusion:

Would she beat Trump if she were on the ballot again in November? “Yes. But I think people believe that this is a referendum on him.”

The cool thing for her about this last lie is that it can never be disproven. She can say that she’d beat Trump in 2020 because she’s not running and the liberal media will never point out that she got her saggy ass kicked in 2016.

Hillary Clinton claiming she’s never done anything wrong is kind of like Bill Clinton saying he “did not have sex with that woman.” Both of these scumbags have done nothing right in their entire lives and the evidence is painfully obvious.

The only reason why they both aren’t in jail is because they have some serious deep state connections that keep the investigations at arm’s length. Eventually President Trump will drain the swamp and when he does, those two Clintons, wallowing in the muck, will get what’s coming to them.