NYT Drools All Over Kamala Harris But Ignored Mike Pence 4 Years Ago

The liberal media likes to say things like “we are impartial” and “we don’t pick sides” but we all know those are lies like everything else they report on. The New York Times proved their bias perfectly today with an entire front page dedicated to drooling all over Kamala Harris. 4 years ago when then-Republican nominee Donald Trump selected Mike Pence as his running mate, the NYT virtually ignored it.

Check out Wednesday’s edition of The Democratic Party Gazette, er I mean The New York times:

As you can see the entire front page above the fold is dedicated to fapping over Joe Biden’s VP pick. It’s not just that they gave Kamala this much prime real estate, but also the shameless ass-kissing of the headlines:

Harris joins Biden ticket, achieving a first

Political warrior shaped by life in 2 worlds

Pick seen as safe but energizing

Woman of color in No. 2 slot of major party.

The NYT didn’t have this much interest in Pearl Harbor.

By contrast, here’s the front page of the New York Times 4 years ago when Donald Trump announced his running mate, Mike Pence:

Below the fold there is a “Man in the News” column titled “Unbending Conservative” t slightly indicate that Trump had announced a running mate. There is no actual headline that mentions Mike Pence or Donald Trump by name.

What a difference, huh? It’s almost like they weren’t excited about Trump’s running mate. Or that they are totally rooting for Biden and his Kameltoe to win in November.

The rest of the liberal print media wasn’t much better. Here’s The Washington Post:

And The NY Daily News:

Now here’s a weird thing. Joe Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield  actually thanked the liberal media for their kind coverage of her brain damaged candidate:

Oops, she said the quiet part out loud.

There has never been any question that the liberal media is…well, liberal but this Kamala Harris/Mike Pence comparison illustrates it perfectly. The NYT and all the others are democratic party propaganda. They should be forced to legally change their names to “DNC Newsletter.”

And speaking of legality, isn’t this an effort to influence the presidential election? Democrats still haven’t shut up about Russia “stealing” the 2016 election by placing silly non-political party ads on social media. Here’s the mainstream media actively promoting Biden’s campaign, while attacking Trump’s. Doesn’t that seem a tad bit illegal?