What The Hell Is This? Day One Of The DNC Was A Giant Sh*t Sandwich

Monday was the first day of the Democratic national Convention and by all accounts it was terrible. They had Michelle Obama calling the country racist, RINO John Kasich throwing a temper tantrum, and commie Bernie Sanders sucking up to the establishment but what really made it a shit sandwich was the opening and closing slices of turd bread. It’s hard to imagine anyone in the democratic party thought this was a good idea but then again good ideas are foreign to the democrats.

First, here’s how the DNC began on day one:

As you can see, a variety of leftist heroes are reciting the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Even Joe Biden joins in, which is hilarious considering how often he forgets it. Lucky for him he only had to say a small part of it and he had a teleprompter. Also, what’s up with the audio glitch?

From there the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by kids, which seems weird since most democrats oppose having kids recite it in schools.

Then America the Beautiful was played over images of people wearing masks and participating in race riots because that’s who democrats think are the real heroes in this country.

Lastly, and possibly the cringiest moment, a bunch of little kids sung the National Anthem. They didn’t show anyone taking a knee, but this was a virtual event so I’m sure everyone at home was properly disrespecting the flag as is the democratic party way.

If the opening to the DNC was bad, and it was, the ending of day one is probably the worst thing of all time. Serious, WTF? is this:

Actually, this is democrats telling people: “Reelect President Trump!” That’s gay actor Billy Porter who once claimed he was going to fight against Trump by wearing a hot pink cape. He has apparently traded that one in for another one, but still seems to believe the key to defeating Trump involves capes. I’m unaware of any cape-related vulnerabilities President Trump may have, so the Resistance may be going off some bad intel here.

In any case, Porter is singing For What It’s Worth by Buffalo Springfield. They even got Stephen Stills to play air guitar because all young people know who the hell he is.

The song is generally considered an anti-Vietnam War anthem, which makes perfect sense seeing as how relevant that conflict is in 2020. Maybe the point of playing this 1967 song is to show how old and out of touch Joe Biden is. We get it, he’s a dinosaur.

If you’re going to make a shit sandwich, you need a couple of slices of turd bread to hold it together so in that sense, the first night of the DNC was a roaring success. I understand for day two they will be serving mierda tacos to pander the Hispanic vote. And all that will culminate on Thursday with nothing burgers on the menu as Joe Biden accepts the nomination.