The leftist effort to catalog everything as racist is processing nicely. This weekend they finally got around to pointing out how damn racist the Alien and Predator films are. Presumably Alien vs. Predator is the most racist film since Birth of a Nation. The reason, according to morons, that these films are racist is because the Alien queen breeds like black welfare queens and the Predator has dreadlocks like almost no black man on the planet today.
Here’s a thing written to get attention from The Conversation: How Hollywood’s ‘Alien’ and ‘Predator’ movies reinforce anti-Black racism
This important piece of journalism starts out unfortunately with some bad information:
What makes Black people more likely than others to be killed, beaten, tortured and raped by white police officers and vigilantes? Although Black men are killed by the police more than any other group, Black women are regular targets of police violence even though this fact is often rendered invisible.
Black men are not killed by police more than any other group, white people are. The fact that black women being regular targets of police violence being invisible is because it’s not something that happens regularly.
Despite starting off with bogus information, this piece manages to be completely full of shit.
A culture and history of racist misrepresentation may have something to do with it. Why has there been considerable tolerance among the silent majority of white people for animal-like, demonic representations of Black people in media and popular culture?
The short answer is that we are dealing with a culture of domination. It is a culture that thrives on the sexualized demonization of Black people. Two examples of this are Ridley Scott’s Alien, which comports with the trope of Black women as alien breeders and Predator, written by brothers Jim and John Thomas, that riffs on images of Black men as dreadlocked, violent and superhuman.
I know the headline and first paragraph prepared you for this, but that still has to be astounding to you in it’s stupidity. Try to stop laughing and check out the specifics of this hilarious argument:
Black women have been portrayed in contemporary white social and political culture as super-fertile and indestructible breeders whose sexual reproduction must be controlled.
It is now so fundamental a mythology in the white imagination that hardly any amount of contrary evidence can dislodge it. Enduring narratives about Black family pathology — particularly that of the overbearing and single Black mother — have led to damaging representations of Black women.
Ridley Scott’s Alien franchise, with its vicious and endlessly breeding carbon black alien mother, came at the height of neoliberal experiment and in the U.S. especially, an all-out assault on Black people. In the context of anti-Black culture, the film signifies the Black woman as an unkillable and ceaselessly breeding alien who threatened the body politic.
The queen in Alien did everything she could to protect her unborn children so this comparison is completely wrong. In subsequent films, the queen Alien did everything she could to protect her children, which again blows this comparison into deep space.
So far it’s a miss but what about black men?
Black men and boys are imagined as dangerous, threatening, inherently criminal and superhuman — bigger, faster, stronger and less likely to feel pain. These views have roots in chattel slavery.
In the context of racially charged white anxieties about immigration and social order, the historical demonization of Black men is a trope, a stereotype, that easily maps onto cinematic typecasting. The 1987 Hollywood film that launched the Predator franchise fits this pattern.
Predator depicted a Black, dreadlocked, large and super-virile male in a way that converged white art with white political history. A white man once said he thought it was cool that I had dreadlocks like the Predator. This is not a compliment.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character, an Earthling, was able to kick Predator’s ass despite the advanced technology of the alien species. How superhuman was that thing really?
If it bleeds we can kill it. Get to the choppa!
I think maybe Jar Jar Binks and the Klingons were black, but clearly Alien and Predator were not. Even though this argument is complete bunk, that didn’t stop the author from demanding liberal action to fix a thing that isn’t broken.
#1 – Segregation:
How do we move beyond these harmful anti-Black tropes?
At a minimum, I suggest at least three actions.
First, there must be candid admission that there is both sexualized fear of and desire of Black people. The fear shows up viscerally, or in an unconscious recoil, when a white and Black person share the same space.
Got it. No more integration of black and white people.
#2 – No more black actors:
Second, there must also be an admission that Hollywood and the media paint Black people as sexualized, superhuman monstrosities and that this meshes with racialized political discourse.
Hopefully former black actors can get jobs being full of shit in obscure publications like The Conversation. They gotta pay the bills somehow.
#3 – Kill whitey:
Finally, more white people need to critically examine their whiteness. Well-known white scholar and writer Noel Ignatiev’s called for whiteness to be abolished: this call should ring true and is necessary if we are to see an end to the psychosexual and racist pathologies that prevent Black people from being able to breathe.
As you can see, this is quite a simple operation: Alien and Predator are racist so therefore we should get rid of all the white people. That’s a hard pass from me. I’m not even willing to stop watching Alien and Predator movies, which kick ass.
Now if you wanna do Illegal Aliens vs. Hillary Clinton’s Super Predators, you might have something racist, but it comes from the democrats and they are immune to any accusations of racism.