Biden Tries To Pass Off Millionaire Donor As Struggling Anti-Trump Business Owner

Joe Biden actually has a campaign yard sign that reads “Make lying wrong again” which is interesting considering what a dishonest piece of crap he is. You can start with the big stuff like his crackhead son and Ukraine, but he lies about literally everything from being jailed with Nelson Mandela to authoring the Endangered Species Act. His latest lie has him trying to pass a millionaire donor off as a struggling anti-Trump business owner in a campaign ad.

The Biden campaign released an ad that aired on CBS during Thursday and Sunday NFL games. The ad featured someone named Joe Malcoun who is listed as the co-owener of an Ann Arbor, Michigan bar and music venue. Ironically enough, this bar in named “The Blind Pig.”

I wanted to embed this ad along with the story, but Biden’s people have made it private on YouTube, which should tell you what a crock of shit it really is.

In the ad, Malcoun gives a sob story about how President Trump’s policies have ruined his business and threaten his livelihood. Never mind that he’s blaming Trump for Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s coronavirus lockdown, this is a Biden work of fiction.

“For 50 years, The Blind Pig has been open and crowded – but right now it’s an empty room. This is the reality of Trump’s COVID response,” said Malcoun.

No, it’s the reality of democrat governors keeping their states locked down for no good reason.

“We don’t know how much longer we can survive not having any revenue. A lot of restaurants, bars that have been mainstays for years will not make it through this. This is Donald Trump’s economy. There’s no plan, you don’t know how to move forward. It makes me so angry. My only hope for my family and this business and my community is that Joe Biden wins this election. That’s the kind of person we need,” Malcoun said.

Uh, Biden s a democrat, just like Whitmer, and he’s already said he will lock down the entire country indefinitely. No needs a person like that unless they want to literally destroy this country.

Biden wants you in tears for this poor small business owner and his family, who will likely starve to death if Joe isn’t elected. There’s just one problem as Fox News reports, Joe Malcoun is millionaire:

What Malcoun doesn’t say in the ad is that there’s a small chance he’ll face financial ruin if The Blind Pig goes under, given he’s a prominent “angel investor” in several local tech companies.

After inheriting money from his wife’s grandfather, which he likened to “winning the lottery,” Malcoun said he founded CKM Capital Partners in 2013 and eventually became an “angel investor” in local tech companies…

He’s also served as CEO of Nutshell, a customer relationship management software company, since 2014, and under his leadership the firm raised at least $5.5 million in angel and venture capital, according to his Crain’s Detroit Business 40 under 40 profile.

Malcoun also co-founded Cahoots, a co-working tech hub, and purchased three buildings in downtown Ann Arbor to host entrepreneurs.

Malcoun is also a Biden supporter and donor:

According to Federal Election Commission data, Malcoun donated $5,000 to Biden For President in July.

And a huge support of Gretchen Whitmer, whose coronavirus lockdown has supposedly ruined him:

In an April tweet Malcoun also praised Whitmer, arguing “she’s doing it right” by continuing the state’s stay-at-home order, which sparked protests and forced businesses like The Blind Pig to remain closed longer.

Like the Biden ad, Malcoun’s tweet has disappeared.

Biden likes to pass himself off as “Lunchbucket Joe” the champion of the working class but he is a millionaire who has never had a real job in his life, if you don’t count when he was a lifeguard and let little kids rub his hairy legs in the pool. The funny thing here is that the only guy he knows in the crucial swing state of Michigan is a millionaire donor. Michigan won’t be fooled by this bullshit.