Al Sharpton And Joy Reid Agree A Close Election Proves America Is Racist

The results of the election aren’t in yet as democrats work feverishly to steal it for Joe Biden. Regardless of the outcome, it’s going to be a close race and that proves that the liberal media is way off base when it comes to reading the people of this country. Race-hustling anti-Semite Al Sharpton and time-traveling homophobe Joy Reid disagree however, saying a close election means America is super-racist.

Sharpton was on Morning Joe, hypnotized by Joe Scarborough’s giant shiny forehead and talking about how well President Trump did with minority voters in 2020:

“He has done better than, in my judgment, he should have with Black men and Hispanics, which means that we’ve got to really look in the civil rights community, both on the Latino and the African American side, on a real conversation in our communities on what it is to be different in terms of being entrepreneurial aspirants and being fair in terms of how we look from the whole,” said Sharpton.

So it is Reverend Al’s opinion that the civil rights community is racist because more blacks and Hispanics came out to support President Trump? Good luck fundraising on that one, Al.

Somehow it got worse:

“I think he appealed to some that wanted to feel that they had to be a certain kind of way to be aspirational and that you can be that and still be centrists,” Sharpton said.

In masterstroke of race hustling, Sharpton proclaims black people with aspirations and centrist views as racists.

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid also thought this election exposed the true racism of America. While complaining the too many Americans voted for “Nazi” Donald Trump with Rachel Maddow, Reid came to this conclusion:

“I think even though we intellectually understand what America is at its base, right? That there is a great amount of racism, anti-blackness, anti-wokeness, this idea that political correctness is some sort of scheme to destroy white America, right? Like, we know what this country is, but still part of you — I think part of your heart says, ‘You know what, maybe the country’s going to pay off all of this pain,’” said Reid.

Despite claiming that she knew all along that America was racist, she still acted shocked that America is so damn racist:

“As the night went on, and I realized, and it sunk in, OK that’s not happening. We are still who we thought, unfortunately. It’s disappointing. I emerge from this disappointed,” Reid said.

Any time you can disappoint Joy Reid you’re doing a good job. Way to go, America!

The funniest thing here is that Joy Reid says America is racist because voters didn’t elect a rich old white pro-segregation racist guy by a landslide. Putting Joe Biden in the White House would only prove that America is racist and also incredibly stupid.

In the biggest non-shocking news of the year is that Al Sharpton and Joy Reid are trying to make the presidential race all about race. Because race-hustling is a complex thing, they are doing under the theory that minorities are racist because they didn’t vote for the racist democratic candidate.