Cory Booker Vows To Use Dictatorial Powers To Benefit Illegal Aliens If Elected

In the contest to be the most extremist of 2020 Democratic hopefuls, Senator Cory Booker has temporarily pulled ahead of the pack of his fellow crazies with a vow to implement the most radical policy imaginable.

Having already received a boost for his previously flaccid campaign thanks to the strategic decision by fellow black candidate Kamala Harris to burn down poor old Joe Biden as a racist, Spartacus has made it clear that if he is elected that he wants open borders, the abolishment of CBP detention facilities concentration camps and worst of all, the , and the decriminalization of illegal immigrants entering the U.S.

Booker has made it clear that if he becomes president that he is not even willing to wait for Congress and will exercise dictatorial power with an executive order that will give a green light to tens of millions of poverty-stricken and illiterate peasants to leave their own countries and come to America where they will be given the royal treatment while productive and legitimate citizens will have their wealth forcibly confiscated to foot the bill.

Via The New York Times, “Cory Booker Proposes Drastic Changes to Immigration Detention System”:

Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey on Tuesday announced a plan to drastically alter the nation’s immigration detention system through an executive order on his first day in office if he is elected president.

In an effort to draw stark contrast to the immigration detention policies of the Trump administration, Mr. Booker’s platform simultaneously establishes a new, stronger set of civil detention standards for facilities operated by the Department of Homeland Security, and directs the department to phase out any contracts with private prison facilities and county or local prisons over three years.

Mr. Booker also pledged to take executive action to further dismantle many of the actions that have defined the first two years of President Trump’s tenure.

According to Booker’s official campaign website:

Starting on Day One, Cory will direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to require detention facilities to meet the civil detention standards of the American Bar Association’s Civil Immigration Detention Standards, which “call for detention as a last resort” and, for facilities that host children, to meet the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Facilities would be required to develop plans and meet deadlines for compliance with these requirements or face closure, with current residents transferred to facilities that meet those requirements.

The people held in DHS custody are seeking safety and a better life. The Trump Administration’s border detention camps and immigration jails throughout the interior of the country are a stain on our nation’s history as a beacon for hope, freedom, and opportunity for generations the world over. In recent weeks, the Administration has argued in court that migrant children don’t need safe and sanitary conditions and necessities, and DHS’s own inspector general has cataloged the horrific conditions at facilities.

Like the rest of the Democrat field who believe that legal immigrants who go through the proper channels should yield to those who their host country is glad to be rid of, Spartacus believes that this is going to be a real winner in next year’s all-important elections and that the scorned “flyover states” of Middle America will vote to destroy their own economic mobility in favor of illegals which defies logic.

While Booker is still much closer to Amy Klobuchar and other no-hopers than he is to Biden and the media’s newest rock star Kamala Harris, his reliance on racial demagoguery and the creation of the borderless society that Wall Street, Silicon Valley and greedy plutocrats like the Koch Brothers and Tom Steyer are clamoring for makes him a candidate to be the comeback kid.