Bernie Sanders Demands Joe Biden Put Socialists In His Cabinet

When Bernie Sanders dropped his viable campaign for the democratic party nominee so Joe Biden could run unopposed, there was most certainly a deal made. Proof of that came when the two men met a few months later for a summit and came up with a Communist manifesto for the party. Now that everyone on the left is convinced that Biden will be the next POTUS, it’s time to pay the piper and Bernie is demanding that Joe fill his cabinet with socialists.

Joe Biden says a lot of things, some of which are intelligible, and one of those is that he is toying with the idea of bringing in some RINO Republicans like Jeff Flake and Mitt Romney to serve in his administration. Since those guys are farther left than even some sitting democratic lawmakers, it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but to communist Bernie Sanders is.

In an interview with The AP, Sanders went off:

“It seems to me pretty clear that progressive views need to be expressed within a Biden administration,” Sanders said.

I don’t know if “progressive” ever meant something besides “socialist” but now they are synonymous. The thing that makes one a progressive is their belief that the government should give “free” stuff to everyone who doesn’t feel like working while productive people foot the bill. That’s socialism all day long.

Bernie definitely wants Biden’s cabinet packed with socialists and he’s not going to take no for an answer:

“It would be, for example, enormously insulting if Biden put together a ‘team of rivals’ — and there’s some discussion that that’s what he intends to do — which might include Republicans and conservative Democrats — but which ignored the progressive community. I think that would be very, very unfortunate,” said Sanders.

Not only won’t Sanders accept ex-Republicans in Biden’s cabinet, he is rejecting the idea that centrist democrats could serve in the administration.

Sanders says if Biden doesn’t populate his administration with socialists that it would be insulting and unfortunate. Is he pissed? It’s hard to tell since he looks and acts angry all of the time, but clearly this is a stern warning to Biden to bow to the far-left faction of the democratic party.

Biden is already doing his part by taking his marching orders from AOC on things like student debt forgiveness and the Green New Deal. In proof that it’s never enough for socialists, they are demanding more. They won’t be satisfied until this country is a socialist hell hole and even then they’ll still be unhappy, saying it’s not socialist and hellish enough.

One thing Sanders is failing to consider here is that the Senate will remain in control of the Republicans and they are the ones who confirm the president’s cabinet nominations. There’s no way in hell Mitch McConnell and Company are going to approve a bunch of whacko leftists to any position. Also, let’s not forget that it’s anything but a given that Joe Biden will be the president come January.

Real communist Sanders and fake Indian Elizabeth Warren are both angling for spots in Biden’s cabinet and they both obviously made deals with Joe to drop out of the democratic primaries in exchange for administration posts. They must have forgotten that Joe is a democrat so his word is worthless and that’s pretty damn funny.