Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, it’s been a month since the election and Donald Trump is still your president.

Crime Wave

By Ben Garrison/GRRR Graphics

There was a lot of talk about blue waves and red waves ahead of the election.

What we got was a crime wave.

Lately I’ve been reading a lot about the stolen presidential election and it’s tough to sort out hopeful conjecture from real conspiracies. Does that kraken that Sidney Powell released have real, tangible evidence and legal teeth? The so-called mainstream media tell us no, but we know corporate media and silicon valley repeat by rote what China and the rogue CIA tell them to say—and it’s nearly all lies.

Did the military have a firefight with CIA operatives in order to seize the Dominion voting machine servers in Germany? Why were US votes being stored and tabulated in foreign countries in the first place? Why did a judge order the preservation of voting machines in Georgia only to order them erased an hour later? Will this eventually end up in the Supreme Court?

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The questions go on and on and if that’s all not weird enough, Biden hurt his foot while playing with his dog and he will now be sporting a medical ‘boot’ similar to what some other criminals wore. I’m referring to Hillary Clinton and John McCain. Some say the boots contain tracking devices to make sure they didn’t flee the country. Hillary seems immune to a prison cell that she earned and deserves. Some say McCain was executed for being a traitor. I’ve heard the same thing said about the CIA man, George H. W. Bush.

Remember the odd note handed out at his funeral that seemed to shock his son Jeb?

Yes, things keep getting weirder and weirder. One thing is certain—election fraud occurred on a massive scale and the criminals who carried it out must be prosecuted. If not, our Republic is lost and the Deep State Swamp criminals will be emboldened to commit even more dirty deeds—a veritable tsunami of crime will await us if we don’t take action.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

America’s Future Is Liberal Fascism Sporting A Smiley Shirt And Armed With A Syringe

Via Zero Hedge

The globalists responsible for engineering a medical tyranny across much of the Western world have something valuable to teach right-wing nationalists and would-be fascists, and that is you don’t sell your damaged product out of the barrel of a machine gun, but rather dripping from the end of a syringe that promises to end all pain and misery.

Patrick Henry, one of America’s more outspoken Founding Fathers, famously remarked “give me liberty or give me death” when the life of his nation was on the line. Today, America’s famous battle cry has been replaced by a masked and muffled gasp that advises, without hope of a second opinion, “give me lockdowns and keep me safe.” So terrified is the American public of catching a virus that comes with a 99 percent survival rate that they are willing to forego Thanksgiving, the great national holiday commemorating – with no loss of irony – their Pilgrim ancestors’ collective courage to overcome the wild, hostile conditions of their new land.

It must be said that no fascist party has ever been so adept when it came to sealing the collective fate of their people to a common enemy. That’s because the threat facing mankind today, or so we are told, is not some nefarious ideology, like communism, or even a terrorist organization that the masses can be rallied to fight. Rather, the threat is a microscopic contagion that is capable of invading every nook and cranny of our lives. Already the age of manly handshakes is over, replaced by an emasculated majority, while an entire generation of youth now looks at their fellow human beings as infernal germ factories.

And unlike a traditional enemy that can be seen, attacked and eventually defeated, the coronavirus – we have been oddly forewarned – will make landfall again and again, while regularly morphing with comic book abilities into an increasingly deadlier villain. In this landless battle, only the medical authorities are decorated as heroes, while the people, lacking the professional credentials, are forced to be passive and helpless onlookers, their freedom of movement severely constrained. More importantly, the forces of nationalism have become irrelevant; only a globalist, one-world-order response can defeat this pandemic.

There is very good reason to suspect, however, that either the science on all of this is half-baked, or we the people are being intentionally duped on a grand scale. In fact, it’s probably a little bit of both. First, relying on nothing more than empirical evidence, it does not seem unreasonable to suggest that there is no existential emergency confronting mankind. If there were, we would expect to see decomposing bodies piling up in the streets, like in the medieval times during the Black Plague. This would be especially the case among the homeless population, which is certainly not practicing social distancing etiquette as they pass around open containers on street corners.

Nor does there seem to be any massive queuing up at hospitals for emergency treatment. In fact, as early as April, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told President Trump that the Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort deployed to New York City by the federal government to help fight the coronavirus outbreak was “no longer needed”. Cuomo said the need for the support vessel “didn’t reach the levels that had been projected.” And I am certainly not the only one who has noticed that Covid cases seem to fluctuate curiously with the political climate.

Let’s not forget that the overwhelming majority of Covid ‘victims’ recover nicely at home, according to no less of an authority than Anthony Fauci. At the same time, many people who acquire the disease are asymptomatic and never even knew they were infected. Children, meanwhile, seem amazingly impervious to the virus. That is not to say that there has been no sign of a virus this winter season. Of course there has been, just like every year. But while Covid cases may be on the rise in some places, and invisible in others, the death rate from this illness remains low and tumbling, predominantly hitting elderly people already suffering from comorbidities.

There are other reasons to be suspicious that what we are dealing with is not a first-class medical emergency, but rather something much more sinister. Like maybe an excuse for rolling out a Western-made vaccine that carries a microchip implant with tracking technology? Such a claim will sound less fantastic when it is realized that it has already been developed.

It is no secret that just one month before Covid-19 made its dramatic landfall in the United States, purportedly from Wuhan, China, MIT researchers announced a new method for recording a patient’s vaccination history: storing the smartphone-readable data under the skin at the same time a vaccine is administered.

“By selectively loading microparticles into microneedles, the patches deliver a pattern in the skin that is invisible to the naked eye but can be scanned with a smartphone that has the infrared filter removed,” MIT News reported. “The patch can be customized to imprint different patterns that correspond to the type of vaccine delivered.”

Would it surprise anyone to know that the research was funded largely by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the same family venture that now provides the bulk of funding to the World Health Organization?

Read the entire article HERE.

The Great Reset & Social Justice

Via The American Conservative

ou can be a world-champion cyclist, and even that will not protect you from being eviscerated by your sponsor if you as much as like on social media posts by mainstream conservative figures:

Apparel manufacturer Rapha has slammed world time trial champion Chloé Dygert over her social media conduct, saying the apology issued by Dygert for liking offensive and divisive posts on Twitter did not go far enough.

The statement was sent to Rapha customers via an email on Friday morning, and the apparel brand pulled no punches on Dygert, who recently inked a four-year deal with the Canyon-SRAM professional women’s team, which is sponsored by Rapha.

“We are writing to you today to clarify our position on the actions of new Canyon//SRAM Racing rider Chloé Dygert who, back in June, endorsed racist and transphobic views on social media. Rapha wholeheartedly condemns these actions as they were offensive, divisive and have no place in cycling or society. Since we became aware of this incident, we have taken time to fully investigate what happened, consulting with the rider, Canyon//SRAM Racing and other partners in order to take informed action in response,” the statement said. “Having undergone that process, we believe that Chloé has made very serious errors of judgment, which were compounded by an apology she issued that was not sufficient.”

They compelled her to apologize, but for some reason, the self-abasing apology was not sufficient. These people are tyrants. You know what her “racist” views were? Liking a tweet by black conservative Candace Owens questioning the bona fides of Colin Kaepernick, and liking one by Charlie Kirk saying hard work, not the color of your skin, determines how you are treated in America. In other words, simply questioning the BLM narrative, or one of its sacred figures, is “racist,” according to Dygert’s employer. The “transphobic” tweet simply questioned the trans narrative. You are not even allowed to publicly doubt.

By the way, there’s a new add-on to your browser, Shinigami Eyes, that will identify transphobic and transphilic social media accounts by color, so you will know whom to hate without having to read what they actually said. But no sir, the social justice Left is not taking us to a kind of totalitarianism. How dare you say that?!

Meanwhile, social science brings us a new reason to hate white conservative Christians. It’s a new academic paper that finds that “racist” opinions related to Covid are held disproportionately by “white Christian nationalists,” proving that they are really bad people. The study’s authors put the following “racially coded” statements to subjects, to test their level of agreement:

  • It is racist to refer to COVID-19 as “the Chinese virus”.

  • The fact that poor, minority communities are more likely to be infected with COVID-19 is a symptom of our unjust society.

  • Black Americans are being infected with COVID-19 at higher rates largely because they are not behaving responsibly.

  • Some racial minority groups may have a biological susceptibility to COVID-19.

  • Our lax immigration laws are partly to blame for the COVID-19 crisis.

  • All immigration should be halted at least temporarily to protect American jobs during this time.

  • One way to prevent further pandemics in the United States would be to build the wall along our Southern border.

  • The fact that COVID-19 is spreading rapidly among prison inmates should be the least of our concerns.

  • If prison inmates are being infected with COVID-19 at higher rates, that could be a form of divine justice.

If you answer the wrong way, that proves you are racist and/or xenophobic.

Read the entire article HERE.

Globalist Elites at World Economic Forum Tell Public to Start Eating Weeds

Via The Gateway Pundit

“Let them eat cake” was just too nice. Now our elites want you to eat weeds instead.

Elites plan to solve global problems by starving you, not producing more.

Globalists want you to eat your yardwork.

They’re at it again. Globalists at the anti-American World Economic Forum are doing what they do best: Soviet-style degradation and humiliation of hard-working Americans who are made to feel guilty for enjoying a cheeseburger. Every day working class people are the only problem they see.

The World Economic Forum is an organization whose stated goal is “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.” Founded in 1971, its headquartered is in Geneva, Switzerland.

The strange diet plan comes from a recent virtual event hosted by the WEF, called Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good. The WEF highlighted 5 main reasons that you should start grazing on some weeds:

  1. They’re easy to grow
  2. They can be rich in nutrients
  3. We need to diversify our diets
  4. They know more about the soil than we do
  5. They taste great

Recently, the World Economic Forum has become more common after announcing their plans for what they callThe Great ResetJohn Kerry recently gave a presentation to the Forum praising the Great Reset.

Oddly the media keeps trying to convince the public that the “Great Reset” is just a ‘conspiracy theory’ and there’s nothing to see here. The NYT says it’s all ‘baseless.’

Many have scrutinized the WEF for attempting to further economic globalization and to make the planet one giant third-world country. They also research and publish ways to eliminate real meat from American diets and replace it with “alternatives.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Government Prepares For Next Pandemic By Taking Away Everyone’s Rights Ahead Of Time

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

U.S.—With effective vaccines on the horizon, people are getting ready to finally see an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. Officials are now thinking of how to best prepare for the next global pandemic, with most settling on just going ahead and stripping people of their rights now.

“If there is one thing that stops an effective response to a pandemic, it’s liberty,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom. “People thinking they’re free to do whatever they want will just lead to more deaths. So even when everyone is vaccinated, I’m still going to give everyone arbitrary rules for when they can leave their homes, what they’re allowed to do, and what they have to wear so they’re already used to obeying the government when the next crisis hits.”

The upcoming Biden administration agrees and says they will form a new committee to decide which rights people are allowed to exercise each day based on science and especially arbitrary whims. This will replace the current custom of people having all their rights all the time and able to use them willy-nilly, which is an impediment whenever the government decides to assert control.

Some politicians fear that the Supreme Court could intervene, as a number of the justices have the archaic idea that the Constitution limits the government’s power, even when politicians are “really, really sure” that what they’re doing is good. Many are suggesting then that the Democrats will also need to pack the Supreme Court to prepare for the next pandemic.

“People want to do whatever they can to stop the next crisis,” Biden told the press, “but that’s the wrong attitude. What you need to do is whatever we tell you.”

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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