China Calls Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn a Racist ‘Lifetime Bitch’

China may be good at killing millions across the globe with a weaponized virus, but when it comes to insults they suck worse than the General Tso’s chicken at Pf. Chang’s After Republican Senator Marsh Blackburn called China out for the coronavirus pandemic and economic terrorism, the ChiComs responded by calling her a racist “lifetime bitch.” What the hell does that even mean?

Australia has called for an international investigation into China’s responsibility for the global CPOVID-19 pandemic. In retaliation, China has placed massive tariffs on Australian goods, including wine. As a response, counties across the world have vowed to drink Australian wine as a way of telling China to go f*ck itself. Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn is one of those in on the plan:

And she added this astute observation:

That caught the attention Chen Weihua, chief Washington correspondent of The China Daily, which is a communist state-run outlet.

Ooo, take that Marsha!

After reflecting upon his tweet, Chen Weihua felt it wasn’t up to communist party insult standards, so he tried again:

Again, what the hell is a “lifetime bitch” supposed to be? A bitch who watches the Lifetime network? This is not the insult he thinks it is. Take that weak sauce back to Panda Express, Chen.

Not that it needed to be done with such a pathetic insult attempt, but Senator Blackburn went ahead and drop-kicked Chen Weihua a new rice hole:

That’s how you insult someone American-style.

This is of course in stark contrast to pretend president-elect Joe Biden who plans on returning the U.S. to the Obama-era China ass-kissing agenda. Not only does Biden say he’s going to undo all of Trump’s efforts to get fair trade going with the communist country, he fully intends to plant his wrinkly lips on the naked left cheek of Chinese president Xi Jinping. They did after all help him steal the 2020 election by unleashing the coronavirus on us, killing 270,000 Americans and crashing our economy.

As a thank-you to China, Biden should help China work on their insult game. He can teach them how to challenge people to push up contests and when that doesn’t work, threaten to take them behind the gym. He can let them know that “look, fat” and “lying dog-faced pony soldier” are effective put-downs as long as you have a friendly media who won’t call out your inherent lameness.