Joe Biden Secretly Tells Al Sharpton He’ll Defund The Police Once He’s Sworn In

Joe Biden totally intends to defund the police but he needs people to shut up about it until he’s actually sworn in as President of the United States. In a leaked recoding, Biden told black leaders and race-hustlers that he’ll get around to their anti-cop agenda but they need to shut up about it for now, because it’s bad optics. This is Biden telling Al Sharpton “ixnay on the efunday.”

On Tuesday, Biden and Kamala Harris participated in what was supposed to be a secret Zoom call, but audio was leaked to The Intercept. They spoke with civil rights leaders according to The Intercept, but the only name given was Al Sharpton so it was more like a civil rights hustlers than anything else.

Biden told the hustlers convention that they should stop talking about defunding the police until he’s actually in office, when he promised he’ll make it happen:

“I also don’t think we should get too far ahead of ourselves on dealing with police reform in that, because they’ve already labeled us as being ‘defund the police’ anything we put forward in terms of the organizational structure to change policing — which I promise you, will occur. Promise you,” said Biden.

As Biden explained, “Defund the Police” is unpopular with the public so STFU about it:

“That’s how they beat the living hell out of us across the country, saying that we’re talking about defunding the police,” Biden said.

The first rule of Defund the Police is don’t talk about Defund the Police.

Biden then claimed he doesn’t support defunding the police as he listed off the Defund the Police policies he intends to institute once he’s comfortably in the Oval Office:

“We’re talking about holding them accountable. We’re talking about giving them money to do the right things. We’re talking about putting more psychologists and psychiatrists on the telephones when the 911 calls through. We’re talking about spending money to enable them to do their jobs better, not with more force, with less force and more understanding,” said Biden.

Everything he said is part of the Defund the Police movement:

Holding them accountable means firing officers for doing their jobs when they use justified force on violent armed black men.

Giving them money to do the right things means taking money away if they don’t go along with Biden’s reforms.

Replacing cops with psychologists means cops will lose their jobs.

Withholding money from cops if they don’t conform to dangerous use-of-force restrictions means police departments will lose funding.

Biden can claim this isn’t defunding the police all he wants but the reforms he’s secretly promising to Al Sharpton will take money away from the police, which by the very definition is defunding the police.

If Biden was making these secret promises to “civil rights leaders” what must he have promised on his clandestine Zoom call with the socialists?

“I also don’t think we should get too far ahead of ourselves on dealing with socialist reform in that, because they’ve already labeled us as being ‘destroy capitalism’ anything we put forward in terms of the organizational structure to implement socialism — which I promise you, will occur. Promise you,” said Biden.