2020 Just Got Crappier With Time Naming Biden/Harris Person Of The Year

By any standard, 2020 has been one seriously crappy year so it stands to reason that Time magazine wold make a crap selection for Person of the Year. In this case 2020 is so crappy that Time picked 2 crappy people for Person of the Year: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Shouldn’t it then be Persons of the Year? Apparently that’s what a crap year it’s been.

Biden and Harris beat out Donald Trump in the rigged Time magazine Person of the Year race, making it the second time they’ve stolen a win from him:

And to prove what an unbiased non-political section this was, here’s democratic party operative Brice Springsteen with the announcement:

The accompanying write-up is equally as sickening. Clearly the liberal media has been frothing at the mouth to get a democrat back in the White House so they can resume the Obama era of presidential ass kissing:

As Biden sees it, trusting his instincts and tuning out the naysayers is a big reason why he’s going to be the next Commander in Chief. They said he was too old, too unsteady, too boring. That his pledge to restore the “soul of the nation” felt like antiquated hokum at a moment when Hurricane Trump was tearing through America, ripping through institutions, chewing up norms and spitting them out. “I got widely criticized,” Biden recalls, for “saying that we had to not greet Trump with a clenched fist but with more of an open hand. That we weren’t going to respond to hate with hate.” To him, it wasn’t about fighting Trump with righteous vengeance, or probing any deeper rot that might have contributed to his ascent. Biden believed most voters simply wanted reconciliation after four years of combat, that they craved decency, dignity, experience and competence. “What I got most criticized for was, I said we had to unite America,” he says. “I never came off that message.”

That last part should have come with a warning to not read it while drinking as well as that it could cause the loss of the last meal eaten.

This was equally grotesque in the Kamaltoe kissing:

Biden had the vision, set the tone and topped the ticket. But he also recognized what he could not offer on his own, what a 78-year-old white man could never provide: generational change, a fresh perspective, and an embodiment of America’s diversity. For that, he needed Kamala Harris: California Senator, former district attorney and state attorney general, a biracial child of immigrants whose charisma and tough questioning of Trump Administration officials electrified millions of Democrats. The Vice President has never before been a woman, or Black, or Asian American. “I will be the first, but I will not be the last,” Harris says in a separate interview. “That’s about legacy, that’s about creating a pathway, that’s about leaving the door more open than it was when you walked in.”

Since when does having charisma mean that everyone hates you? Also, if Kamala “electrified millions of democrats” why did she drop out of the democratic primaries with close to 0% support?

Time then described beating President Trump as “Defeating the Minotaur” and set the bar incredibly low for a Biden/Harris administration:

Given the scale and array of America’s problems, the question may not be whether this team can solve them but whether anyone could.

Time has awarded Person of the Year to every elected president, including Trump in 2016, so this isn’t that big of a surprise. The big shock will come when they have to rescind the honor after the Supreme Court overturns the election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, giving President Trump the win he earned.

With 2020 being such a crap year, Time should have picked a pile of shit as the Person of the year. Actually, Biden and Harris are close enough.