Human Skidmark Nancy Pelosi Calls President Trump A ‘Stain On Our Country’

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Nancy Pelosi, who is a literal skidmark, says that President Trump is a “stain on our country.” What’s she going to call him next? A withered monkey skeleton paralyzed by botox injections? People who live in sh*t-stained underwear shouldn’t throw turds.

There’s less than a day left for the liberal media and democrats to freak out about Donald Trump before they have to find something else to freak out about. Luckily MSNBC and Nancy Pelosi are milking the Trump Derangement Syndrome until the very last drop:

Joy Reid, being a completely impartial journalist, accused Trump of trying to undo the election and of not peacefully transitioning power to the next administration, then asked Pelosi what she thought about this, like it was a mystery what her answer would be.

“Well, I do think that we’re bigger than all of this. Donald Trump was a stain on our country. I don’t think we could have sustained our democracy if he had two terms in office, for what he was doing to our institutions, or for what he was doing to our Constitution. He dishonored it,” said Pelosi.

What did President Trump do to our institutions or the Constitution? If he had done anything against the Constitution, Pelosi would have impeached him for it instead of the made-up crimes she did. Notice how Pelosi admits that we have sustained our democracy? If we have somehow miraculously managed to maintain our democracy, that means Trump didn’t do anything to damage or destroy it.

While we’re on the subject, Pelosi violated the Constitution 6 times in impeaching President Trump for a second time. She dishonored it, bigly.

“He, in every respect, was unworthy to be president, did not respect the office that he held, and certainly did not respect the office that the rest of us hold as well. I respect the office of the presidency more than he did, for how he mistreated it. Though, in any event, he’s gone,” said Pelosi.

She ripped up a copy of President Trump’s State of the Union Address behind his back. If that’s her respecting the office of the president, what does it look like when she doesn’t respect it? Projectile diarrhea?

“We have to, how can I say this? It’s not lessons learned because it was so evident all along what a disgrace he was but to find out how we can bring people together. That’s our responsibility and, again, nobody better than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to that,” Pelosi said.

Does she mean the guy who calls people “ugly chumps” and challenges them to push-up contests after telling them they are fat? That’s the guy who is going to bring people together? Joe Biden can’t even get his shit together long enough to form a complete sentence. How is he going to bring this whole country together?

Since everything else Nancy Pelosi said in this interview was the opposite of the truth, she must mean it’s Biden’s responsibility to divide this country even further. In fact, that’s certainly the democrats’ agenda as they persecute conservatives in the Great Purge of 2021.

This was the last hurrah of TDS because as of tomorrow President Trump is moving on and liberals won’t have anything to bitch about. Actually, I’m sure they’ll still gripe about Trump because they have to be in constant state of outrage and they aren’t allowed to complain about what a terrible job Joe Biden will do as president.

In the meantime, 2022 is just around the corner and we’ll finally be able to take off this ratty pair of underwear and wash that Pelosi shit-stain off for good.