GOP Acquits Trump Before His Sham Impeachment Trial Even Begins

The democrats had planned on pre-convicting former President Donald Trump in the sham impeachment trial but the GOP threw a monkey wrench into that by pre-acquitting him. Republican Senator Rand Paul forced a procedural vote to declare the impeachment trial unconstitutional. 45 Republicans voted in favor of that which means it will be impossible to get the 67 votes needed to convict Trump.

The House democrats and 10 Republican traitors voted to impeach President Trump for inciting the Capitol protesters by telling them to “go in peace.” House speaker Nancy Pelosi said it was urgent to remove Trump from office days before his term expired and then she sat on the articles of impeachment until he actually left. Now, the democrats in the Senate are planning on proceeding with the impeachment trial next month to remove a President who is already gone.

As if that weren’t ridiculous enough, the democrats are trying to rig this unconstitutional farce by having democrat Pat Leahy preside over the trail instead of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, as dictated by the Constitution.

And then there’s Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who has already convicted Trump:

A fair trial to convict him? Isn’t the point of a fair trial to determine guilty or innocence? Isn’t there presumption of innocence until proven guilty? Not to Chuck because according to him Trump is guilty and the “fair” trial is a mere formality.

But, as Fox News reports, Trump has already been acquitted even before the trial begins:

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul declared former President Trump’s Senate impeachment trial “dead on arrival” on Tuesday after 45 Senate Republicans voted against holding the proceeding, viewing it as unconstitutional.

Rand, a Kentucky Republican, had called for a procedural vote regarding holding a trial, claiming the Senate shouldn’t address the article of impeachment against Trump filed by the House this month because Trump is now out of office.

“If you voted that it was unconstitutional, how in the world would you ever vote to convict somebody for this? This vote indicates it’s over. The trial is all over,” said Paul.

Since there are 50 Republican Senators and only 45 voted for the unconstitutionality of the impeachment trail, that means there are 5 GOP Senators who would likely vote to convict Trump. Take a guess at who they are.

I’m sure you got Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski, which is correct. Joining those 3 RINO traitors were Ben Sasse and Pat Toomey. Murkowski and Toomey are up for reelection in 2022 and can expect to get primaried.

There is no provision in the Constitution to impeach a former president and Congress has no authority to punish private citizens, which Trump now is. The GOP vote proves that this unconstitutional trial will not be successful and yet democrats are proceeding with it. Democrats specialize in vengeance and time wasting, but have little interest in doing things to help the American people.