WaPo Announces They Will Not Be Fact-Checking Joe Biden’s Lies

During the Donald Trump presidency, The Washington Post kept a running tally of all the times they felt he lied about something. It was entirely a list of times Trump said something liberals didn’t like and not an actual catalog of lies. Joe Biden is a prolific liar, flip-flopper, and world-class bullsh*tter but the WaPo has decided that they will not be running a similar list of lies for him because obviously he’s a democrat.

The WaPo fact-checked the shit out of Trump, challenging his every word, and determined that he told 30,573 lies during his time in office. Technically, that’s 30,573 lies from the WaPo, but they are part of the liberal media, so the truth is of no interest to them.

The WaPo claims they are unbiased and will apply the same level of scrutiny to Joe Biden:

For more than 10 years, The Fact Checker has assessed the accuracy of claims made by politicians in both parties, and that practice will continue.

Which is another WaPo lie because here’s their head fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, announcing they won’t be scrutinizing anything Biden says:

So false numbers are the criteria for fact checking? What about these?

Joe Biden Predicts 250,000 Will Die From COVID-19 This Month

Biden Campaign Cut Live Feed After Joe Claimed COVID-19 Killed 120 Million Americans

Joe Biden Says Coronavirus Has Cost America 85,000 Jobs And Millions Of Lives

Math Is Hard: Joe Biden Says His Tax Plan Will Put 720 Million Women To Work

Joe Biden Says Coronavirus Has Killed 600,000 Crazy Americans

Biden Claims 150 Million Americans Have Been Murdered By Guns Since 2007

Not a single one of these Biden numerical falsehoods was ever fact-checked by the WaPo.

They spent almost as much time fact-checking Trump’s Press Secretaries as they did him. Do a search on the WaPo for Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or Kayleigh McEnany. There’s quite a lot of accusations of lying.

Biden has flip-flopped on everything he’s ever been for or against. Everything. With the $2,000 checks, it’s very simple: Biden promised $2,000 checks and then he changed that to $1,400 checks. You can easily assess that he made a promise and then broke it.

The WaPo literally started fact-checking Trump the second he took office, so that’s another WaPo lie:

Over time, Trump unleashed his falsehoods with increasing frequency and ferocity, often by the scores in a single campaign speech or tweetstorm. What began as a relative trickle of misrepresentations, including 10 on his first day and five on the second, built into a torrent through Trump’s final days as he frenetically spread wild theories that the coronavirus pandemic would disappear “like a miracle” and that the presidential election had been stolen — the claim that inspired Trump supporters to attack Congress on Jan. 6 and prompted his second impeachment.

Well, now that Joe Biden is President, the coronavirus has kind of magically disappeared in that the liberal governors are lifting lockdown orders and the liberal media is no longer scaring the shit out people with it, so maybe the WaPo should take at least one “lie” away from Trump’s total.

We knew that the liberal media wasn’t going to be critical of Joe Biden but we din’t know they’d come straight out and admit to it. For his part, Biden appreciates the “69” he has going with the fake news industry/democratic party propaganda ministry:

“I mean this sincerely, the press is the smartest group of people in town,” said Biden.

What are the chances that the liberal media will fact-check that outrageous claim?