Biden Campaign Cut Live Feed After Joe Claimed COVID-19 Killed 120 Million Americans

Joe Biden held a massive rally in Lancaster, Pennsylvania that was attended by 5 people on Thursday. The Biden campaign was worried that bringing Joe out of his basement bunker might expose voters to his diminished mental capacity, but they had a plan. As soon as Crazy Joe says something crazy, they were prepared to cut the live feed. The second after he claimed COVID-19 has killed 120 million Americans, the video froze and then the feed disappeared. I wonder how the Biden camp will hide his insanity when he debates president Trump live.

Last week the liberal media was making fun of the crowd size at President Trump’s Tulsa, Oklahoma rally, in which thousands of enthusiastic supporters showed up. This same liberal media didn’t even snicker at Biden’s Lancaster, PA rally:

By my count there are exactly 5 people who are not members of the press in the audience. Biden started out talking through his mask and without a microphone. After 15 seconds, someone must have signaled to Joe to pick up the mic, which he did, continuing his speech as if anyone heard the first part.

After droning on for 15 minutes or so, meandering from one pointless story to another and fighting off a nap, Biden got down to the brass tacks:

“What people jurassictly underestimate is the impact on the mental health of people who now everything is complicated,” started Biden.

It’s not complicated that “jurassictly” is not a word or that Biden chose to use this made up word when talking about mental health. He’s nuts. Pure and simple.

“People don’t have a job. People don’t have anywhere to go. They don’t know what they’re going to do,” continued Biden.

Is he talking about himself again?

“And a lot of people you have unnecessarily we have over 120 million dead from Covid,” claimed Biden.

Biden may have been trying to correct himself but his campaign wasn’t willing to risk it. The video froze for a minute or so and the feed went dead.

Since the liberal media is only concerned with fact-checking conservative satire and President Trump’s truths, I got this one. According to the CDC there have been 122,664 coronavirus deaths in the United States, which is significantly lower than Biden’s “over 120 million” estimate. Def-Con News rates Biden’s claim a “four and half lobotomy lie” but he gets a half-point for not sniffing anyone’s hair while delivering it.

Speaking is difficult for Biden due to loose dentures and a looser brain, but numbers are impossible for him, especially when it comes to coronavirus. Just last month he claimed COVID-19 had killed Billions or millions of Americans. A few weeks before that, Joe said that the pandemic had killed 600,000 Americans, all of whom he claimed suffered from mental health issues. I’d say he’s getting closer on the number, but really he’s all over the place with this.

Last week President Trump had a successful rally with thousands of people while this week Biden bored 5 people and said dumb things. Somehow the liberal media portrayed Trump as a failure and Biden as a winner. He can’t hide behind the fake news for ever and eventually people will see what an empty can he is.