On Day 37 Liberals Finally Figure Out That Biden Sucks

Joe Biden has been an incompetent liar for all of the nearly 50 years he’s been in Washington but for some reason people forgot or suppressed this knowledge during the 2020 presidential election. It is now 37 days into Biden’s illegitimate presidency and liberals are finally waking up to the fact that he’s awful. With nothing but lies and broken promises, there is considerable buyers remorse for Crazy Joe from the progressive douchebags who put him in the White House.

On the campaign trail, Biden said on “day one” of his presidency he would defeat the coronavirus, get a $15 minimum wage, forgive student loan debt, and promised $2000 checks would be “going out the door.” None of that happened on day one or the following 36, plus he just ordered an airstrike on Iranian-backed militias in Syria.

All of this adds up to liberals coming to the sudden realization that they backed a liar and a fool. Here’s progressive lunatic Cenk Uygur with the first of many liberal tears:

Is it weird that this kook needed to put Biden in office plus an additional month to figure out the most establishment guy in Washington is part of the establishment? Or that a guy who has sucked his whole life sucks?

Progressive activists and Bernie Sanders surrogate Ja’Mal Green came to a similar conclusion about Biden:

It’s so bad that these liberals are acknowledging Donald Trump’s ability to get things done. In fact, check out pretend black guy Shaun “Talcum X” King:

Trump did a better job of everything than Biden. Too bad these losers couldn’t see what was obvious to everyone with half a brain: Biden is ineffectual and he lies.

All of this bellyaching from the left is actually a collective confession that they are low-information voters who will back anyone, including a braindead liar, with a “D” after their name. The disappointment shows that they actually believed Biden’s bullshit right up until today. You know what? These things happen to people who can’t think for themselves.

This lefty tear-storm would be hilarious if it didn’t come at the expense of our country. Biden was always going to be terrible and he was always going to do terrible things to our country. I wish some of the people who are bitching now would have realized this back in November when it mattered.