Black Lives Matter Calls For Boycott Of British Royal Family

Since there’s literally nothing going on in America like a pandemic, Joe Biden’s horribly illegitimate presidency, or an illegal alien invasion, the only thing on the news is about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle accusing the Royal Family of racism. I’ve been trying to avoid this because I honestly don’t give a flying fart about the Royals or entitled babies playing the victim but since it’s Slow News Day Tuesday, here we go: Black Lives Matter co-founder, Opal Tometi, is calling for a boycott of the British Royal Family.

On Sunday night, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Prince Harry and his insufferable wife Meghan Markle, who is apparently black, made the startling (not really) accusation that some members of the Royal Family were concerned that their son Archie would come out too dark. Considering that Markle is the lightest skin black woman of all time and Harry is a bleached-out ginger, I seriously doubt this was ever a concern, but it got everyone freaking out about the racism of the Royal Family.

As TMZ reports, Black Lives Matter co-founder Opal Tometi, is leading that freak-out:

Black lives do NOT matter to the Royal Family … at least according to a co-founder of Black Lives Matter, who is now calling for a royal boycott.

Opal Tometi, one of the originators of the BLM movement, tells TMZ … after hearing Meghan Markle’s experience with racism within the Royal Family, people should no longer stand with the Royals or the monarchy.

Opal says Meghan and Prince Harry’s admission to Oprah, that at least one member of the monarchy wanted to discriminate against their son Archie because of his skin color, makes it clear the Royal Family places virtually no value on Black lives … and thus, the masses should turn their backs on the Royals like at least one of them did to little Archie.

As you know … the entire globe has been left to guess who brought up the skin color concerns to Harry, and neither he nor Meghan is ratting them out.

Regardless of who it was, Opal says Meghan and Harry’s experience shows just how problematic the Royal Family has been for quite some time, and the world doesn’t need to have institutions that treat Black people as if they don’t matter.

The weird thing about this TMZ report is that it is billed and an “exclusive” and claims to be the views of Opal Tomati, but it contains no direct quotes or video from her. Could it be she is so inarticulate that TMZ had to paraphrase the entire interview to help it sound semi-coherent?

In any case, boycotting the Royals is as dumb as the Black Lives Matter movement. The point of a boycott is to hurt a person, company, or institution financially. How does Black Lives Matter boycotting the Royal Family hurt them in any way? Do the royals draw money from BLM patronage? No, they don’t.

This is like boycotting the moon or snow. These things will continue to exist with or without BLM’s support.

Besides, we’re Americans and we’ve already boycotted he British Royal Family. Remember the ass-whoopin’ we laid on King George? It’s how we got our awesome monarchy-free country.

Getting back to Markle, I seriously had no idea she was black so I had to look it up. She has a fat white hillbilly-looking dad and a black mom, who I can’t find a picture of so I guess that makes her at least half-black. I never gave it much thought, but I kind of figured she was Mexican or Mediterranean. It’s not anti-black racism if nobody can tell she’s black.