De Blasio Wants ‘Thought Police’ To Confront People For Non-Criminal ‘Hateful’ Speech

Even though it’s 2021, it’s feeling a lot more like 1984 and not because they’re doing a gritty reboot of Police Academy. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio says it would be great if police showed up to confront people for saying things that are non-criminal but that the government disapproves of. He literally wants to introduce the “Thought Police” from George Orwell’s dystopian novel.

The non-racially motivated shootings at Atlanta-area message parlors this week had Bill de Blasio thinking about how to stop racially-motivated shootings. During a press conference he proposed an idea to nip racial violence in the bud using cops to intimidate people for expressing the 1st Amendment rights:

“Even if something is not a criminal case, a perpetrator being confronted by the city, whether it’s NYPD or another agency, and being told that what they’ve done was very hurtful to another person—and could, if ever repeated, lead to criminal charges—that’s another important piece of the puzzle,” said de Blasio.


Because this wasn’t Joe Biden saying something insane, a reporter actually asked de Blasio to elaborate and he made it much worse:

“The NYPD is a great example: one of the things officers are trained to do is to give warnings. If someone has done something wrong, but not rising to a criminal level, it’s perfectly appropriate for an NYPD officer to talk to them to say, ‘that was not appropriate, and if you did that on a higher level, that would be a crime.’ I think that has an educating impact on people,” de Blasio said.

Well, there’s yer problem: If a person who has done something that doesn’t rise to the criminal level, they have done nothing wrong.

Here’s a fun description of the Thought Police from Orwell’s novel 1984. See if you can spot any similarities to what de Blasio is proposing:

In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell, the Thought Police (Thinkpol) are the secret police of the superstate Oceania, who discover and punish thoughtcrime, personal and political thoughts unapproved by the government. The Thinkpol use criminal psychology and omnipresent surveillance via informers, telescreens, cameras, and microphones, to monitor the citizens of Oceania and arrest all those who have committed thoughtcrime in challenge to the status quo authority of the Party and the regime of Big Brother.

De Blasio further nails this when he suggests that it is the role of the NYPD to impose an “educating impact on people” who commit thought crimes. In 1984 people accused of thoughtcrime were sent to Room 101 and had their heads put in rat cages to reeducate them.

So who gets to decide what people aren’t allowed to say? Bill de Blasio? He’s a leftist America-hating commie. Under his plan, someone could expect a visit from the NYPD Thought-Cop Division for posting patriotic memes on Facebook.

Or here’s a scenario that would make some headlines: A Black Lives Matter activists writes “F*ck the police” on Twitter and the NYPD shows up to reeducate the person when suddenly the confrontation turns deadly.

You can’t blame Bill de Blasio for trying. New York City has successfully nullified the 2nd Amendment, so why not go after the 1st? De Blasio’s dream of a Constitution-free zone in the city inches forward.