Commentary: The Communists/Globalists Not-So-Secret War Against Israel

It is no mystery that essentially every other American president pales in comparison to Donald J. Trump when it comes to supporting America’s only true ally in the Middle East—the Jewish state of Israel.

This from

Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, unprecedented peace treaties such as the Abraham Accords, and especially a hard stance against Iran and its diabolical ambitions for nuclear weapons all gained Trump an extremely high favorability rating among the population of the Jewish nation.

The Obama and Obiden Regimes have taken a very different approach to America’s Middle Eastern ally.

Before Obama, American foreign policy toward Israel—whether warm or slightly cool—was generally a bipartisan consensus. But that all changed with the steal-lection of Barack Hussein Obama to the White House.

Besides initiating his presidency with the infamous ‘apology tour’ to the Muslim world, Obama delayed or even canceled weapons shipments to Israel at crucial times, including Apache gunship helicopters in 2009 and Hellfire missiles in 2014.

While Obama was president-elect, Israel launched Operation: Cast Lead, also known as the Israeli-Gazan War of 2008-2009, in response to ongoing Palestinian Arab rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and other acts of violence and terrorism by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The success of this Israeli counterterror operation was unprecedented, but President-elect Obama demanded that Israel stop destroying Hamas and its terrorist infrastructure and retreat at once.

Within 24 hours, all IDF troops were pulled out. The IDF marched silently all night along the beach out of the Gaza Strip back to Israeli Jewish territory, feeling that their incredible victory had an air of shameful defeat.

Obama further bickered with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over how to mitigate the threat of a nuclear Iran. Obama apparently preferred to appease and even bribe the radical Islamic republic and the world’s No. 1 sponsor of terrorism with billions of dollars—including hundreds of millions in pallets of cash.

And as a final middle finger to the state of Israel, Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry pushed a wildly anti-Israel measure in the United Nations at the end of Obama’s tenure.

Israelis breathed a huge sigh of relief as Trump completely changed course and repaired the damaged relationship between America and Israel. But then Obama with his hand up Joe-Joe’s backside re-entered the White House. And the political opposition and downright animosity toward the Jewish state by the communist-globalist leadership has never been more overt and appalling.

First off, the policies of [Obiden] & Co. have completely destabilized the Middle East and all but given Iran the green light for its nuclear ambitions—just as Netanyahu warned at the end of the Obama-Biden [Regime] before Trump was elected.

Additionally, the Israeli government has released an official report accusing the [Obiden Regime] of encouraging and even funding the unruly and disruptive protests against Netanyahu and the ruling parliamentary coalition.

After losing an uncontested democratic election by as much as 20 points (depending on your perspective of the final tallies), these Obiden-supported Israeli leftists are violently protesting against the majority passing their promised laws and reforms in accordance with their rights and obligations as the democratically elected leadership.

Pro-Israel Republican lawmakers are not impressed.

Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said:

The State Department should never fund foreign partisan organizations in allied democracies. If the shoe was on the other foot, the [Obiden Regime] would accuse Israel of interfering in our elections. Congress should absolutely review the State Department’s potential funding of partisan politics in Israel.

But even more shocking and downright frightening is the Obiden plan unveiled at the Aqaba Summit in Jordan in February.

Besides a plan to develop Palestinian Arab communications infrastructure to a 4G level despite protests from Israeli intelligence bodies, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken outlined the Regime’s intention:

[T]o provide 5,000 Palestinians with commando training in Jordan and then deploy them to northern Samaria, and perhaps the South Hebron Hills [the region of Israel also known as the West Bank].

As part of the proposed plan, the Obiden Regime is demanding that their Middle Eastern ally:


[S]harply curtail IDF counterterror operations.


And, as unbelievable as it may sound, the Obiden plan:

[F]oresees the deployment of foreign forces, including U.S. military forces, on the ground in the disputed territories currently patrolled by the IDF.

Meaning that the American taxpayer will pick up the tab for efforts to maintain stability in a territory that the Obiden Regime intentionally ignited.

In contrast, the ‘Peace to Prosperity’ plan under Trump called for the complete disarming of all Palestinian Arab terror groups and granted the IDF exclusive rights and obligations to maintain the security and defense of the region.

The elite level of military training and presumably heavy arming intended by Biden for these Palestinian Arab “commandos” loyal to the dictator-like Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority (and therefore the various armed groups and terrorist cells affiliated with them) is unprecedented.

Ostensibly, the purpose of these “commandos” is to replace the IDF in combating terrorism in the region.

However, the idea that the Palestinian Authority takes action against terror cells is simply a myth. For over 30 years now, it’s never happened, and it is far more likely that the Palestinian Authority would work with these terror cells (if only clandestinely) than oppose and mitigate them.

The Obiden plan is undeniably a nightmare scenario for Israel.

Besides the presence of these terrorist-aligned ‘commandos,’ the military-grade weaponry that will be brought into the volatile region and made accessible to the Palestinian Arab population is a recipe for disaster.

This announcement comes as the IDF, under the new government of Benjamin Netanyahu and Itamar Ben-Gvir, has ramped up counterterror operations in the West Bank after several horrific Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks.

The IDF special forces operators on the ground, will see firsthand the effects of Obama’s repeated attempts to thwart successful Israeli counterterror activities.

Final thought: Instead of Obama earning credit, however, his frontman in the communists’/globalists’ secret war against Israel is a wrinkled up old white dude with dementia.