Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God It’s FRIDAY!

Communist Revolution in America: America in Freefall

By Ray DiLorenzo/Stand Up America US Foundation

If you were a fervent America-hating Marxist living in the United States, what would you do with a nation that is rich, powerful, and highly successful?

What do you do with a nation that has religious freedom, is basically a moral country, respectful of law and order with the Judeo-Christian principles of hard work, the dignity of human life, strong family ties, common decency, a strong desire for education, and a sense of accountability to God?

America has freedom, capitalism, the opportunity to go up the economic ladder as far as your willingness to work hard. It is not a perfect country. Some of its past, like every other country on this planet, is dubious, but it is constantly improving, rearranging, and evolving. It is the envy of the world.

What do you do when you have a commitment to turn this nation around to your way of thinking? Now, remember, this is not early 20th century Russia where people lived the life of serfs and Europe was in the midst of an industrial revolution, modernizing, and living in relative comfort.

You certainly don’t try to instigate a violent revolution. Revolution against what? Freedom? No, you change the culture. You let the people make the change.

They just need a push in the left direction.

You find its past faults and pull off any scabs you can find to stop the healing.

They are not going to prevent you from speaking. You know it will take decades, but you are willing to put the time in. By the time they figure out what is going on, it will be too late. You have support from other Communist countries like the old Soviet Union and now Communist China. Stalin supported various Marxist organizations in the United States by sending people and money (McCarthy was right).

Early on you manage to get your comrades hired as professors, teachers, and philosophers in major universities. The students will listen to you because your theories are quaint, and America is an open society, curious, with freedom of speech. They will always listen to you even if just to avoid being rude, but enough people will always be taken in.

You use their freedom to destroy them.

You branch out into America’s favorite pastimes, Hollywood and music. You introduce nudity in movies, a little at first, then rock music that goes from love songs to heavy metal, satanic at its core. You encourage sexual promiscuity, but call it sexual freedom. You know the by-product will be abortion, thereby cheapening life itself. You pit one group against the other, not fighting racism or misogyny but inflaming it. You replace a God-centered ethic to a self-centered ethic. You can now freely choose your sexual preference, gender preference, kill your child, whatever.

When enough young people begin to listen, you tell them to live for themselves, tune in, drop out, feel good, experiment with drugs and all that life has to offer. Parents don’t understand, but so what. What do they know? You don’t want an educated, moral, focused youth.

You go into the news business, both TV, print and PC, writing editorials, turning news from information to indoctrination and propaganda, following the path that education took years before.

Your greatest accomplishment so far…you took over a major political party. Luckily, there are millions of people who are sleeping, still thinking the Democrat Party is John Kennedy and believing that government is the answer to all our ills…perfect.

With Donald Trump, your comrades did not have a president willing to play along.

He fought you at every turn and was doing much too good of a job. Instead of congratulating him, you fought back with lies, impeachment and then a minor pandemic treated like the Black Death, planned years before to destroy the greatest economy we have ever seen.

When all that failed the big guns came out…a totally fraudulent election that was so extreme, so comprehensive, so well planned and executed by both foreign and domestic enemies, it caught everyone flat-footed, even the Supreme Court that decided to do nothing. The Left has proven they will do anything for power. The country now is in a free-fall from where it was just months ago.

You now lean heavily on disarming the people. You can’t have an armed citizenry when they find out what’s in store for them. By coincidence (if you believe in that sort of thing) we have a rash of mass murders in the news, in Democrat cities, of course. Push hard now for gun control.

The cities you created are now the murder and poverty capitals of America, but they are useful, proof that America and capitalism doesn’t work. You must have patience, destroying a culture takes time, but you must work more quickly now, people are beginning to wake up.

The Leninist strategy of revolution calls for a two-prong approach. One is a non-violent phase followed by a violent phase. We are at the beginning of the violent phase.

When you think you have enough of the indoctrinated in government, education, big business, the media and entertainment, even in the churches and synagogues, it’s time to go from persuasion to heavy-handed tactics…the violent stage. You’ve given up on much of the middle-class and now depend on the indoctrinated and the 30+ million illegal aliens you imported who are not accustomed to a representative democracy. If the country shows signs of disagreement, threaten riots. At this point, people who are not buying are considered insurrectionists, enemies of the state.

At this stage the political system is so corrupt it begins to putrefy. You hide behind thousands of troops that never leave DC in spite of the promises to the contrary. You look more like a third-world country every day, using strong-arm, military tactics to hold on to power. You know your grip is tenuous. You wonder if there are enough people living in fear that will support your coup. These people are not too bright. They have little knowledge and virtue, making themselves easy targets for tyrants.

I sense an awakening. Millions of people, if not fully awake, have their collective heads off the pillow. At least in the red states, people are beginning to fight back, passing counter legislation, claiming their 10th Amendment, states’ rights. At least a dozen states are active in that pursuit.

Make no mistake, there is a Communist revolution taking place in America. The Left is determined and well financed. People had better be aware. Organize and prepare to defend the homeland. We have spent trillions on defense from external attacks, but almost nothing to defend us from attacks from within.

Whether they call it Socialism or Democratic Socialism, it is all the same with the same goal…Communism.

Read the entire article HERE.

Feds Looking to Prosecute Chauvin, Other Cops in Floyd Case. Chauvin Could Face New Charge

Via The New American

Even if a jury had declared Derek Chauvin not guilty in the death of drug addict and career criminal George Floyd, the most hated former cop in America would not have been free.

Federal prosecutors had planned to cuff him at the courtroom doors and indict him on federal police-brutality charges, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported today.

And now, even with Chauvin headed for a long prison term unless the conviction is overturned on appeal, the feds still plan to charge him with civil-rights violations.

Facts and evidence regardless, it appears that Derek Chauvin is doomed. So are his former fellow officers.

Secret Probe

“Leading up to Derek Chauvin’s murder trial, Justice Department officials had spent months gathering evidence to indict the ex-Minneapolis police officer on federal police brutality charges, but they feared the publicity frenzy could disrupt the state’s case,” the newspaper reported.

If the jury found that Chauvin did not commit a crime, federal cops would be waiting. Chauvin wouldn’t make it to his car. He’d go from one jail cell to another.

That, of course, was unnecessary. The jury convicted Chauvin on two counts of murder and one count of manslaughter. Jurors reached their verdict after Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and others threatened mob violence if he were not, in her words, declared “guilty, guilty, guilty.”

That could result in a successful appeal that would overturn the verdict. That aside, the conviction hasn’t satisfied the obsessed Ahabs inside the Justice Department, ever in search of the Great White Defendant.

Reported the Star-Tribune:

Now, with Chauvin’s state trial out of the way, federal prosecutors are moving forward with their case. They plan to ask a grand jury to indict Chauvin and the other three ex-officers involved in George Floyd’s killing — J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao — on charges of civil rights violations, a source said.

If the grand jury voted to indict, the former officers would face the new civil rights charges on top of the state’s cases, meaning all four could be headed toward yet another criminal trial in federal court….

Under the contingency arrest plan, the Minnesota U.S. Attorney’s Office would have charged Chauvin by criminal complaint — a quicker alternative for a federal charge that doesn’t require a grand jury — so they could arrest him immediately, and then asked a grand jury for an indictment, according to sources, who were not authorized to speak publicly.

Two Cases

The feds want to prosecute Chauvin not just for restraining Floyd, who overdosed on fentanyl and died while resisting officers. They also want to nail him for the arrest of a 14-year-old nearly four years ago.

Read the entire article HERE.

They Really Are Going After Meat

Via Zero Hedge

The secular-puritan nut jobs, who can’t leave any joys of the world alone, are now escalating their attacks on meat and with it, virtue signaling has entered a bizarre new phase.

Epicurious is, according to The New York Times, “the popular online recipe bank where home cooks have gone to hone their skills for a quarter of a century.”

The editors there revealed to readers this week that not only were they done with new recipes containing beef, but they had been phasing them out for over a year, reports the Times.

“We know that some people might assume that this decision signals some sort of vendetta against cows — or the people who eat them,” Maggie Hoffman, a senior editor, and David Tamarkin, a former digital director, wrote in an article published on Monday.

“But this decision was not made because we hate hamburgers (we don’t!).”

The shift was “solely about sustainability, about not giving airtime to one of the world’s worst climate offenders,” they said.

“We think of this decision as not anti-beef but rather pro-planet.”

Hoffman and Tanarkin write as if they actually understand the first thing about the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and its application in the study of climate change.

These posers are so contradictory and out of touch with reality that they have become a vegan herd.

I call for a steer’s fart on all of them.

But the big question is: Will the masses be as meek against this mad movement as they have been against the lockdowns and cancel culture?

Meat producers are already wimping out.

On Sunday, JBS and Pilgrim’s Pride, one of the country’s largest chicken producers, took out a full-page ad in the New York Times headlined, “Agriculture can be a part of the climate solution,” committing to net-zero emissions by 2040, The Washington Post reports.

The Post then added this:

[T]here is a lot of research when it comes to the contribution of industrial agriculture to the greenhouse gases that are warming the planet… beef consumption, in particular, has been singled out as uniquely harmful to the planet.

In 2019, the EAT-Lancet Commission report and the special report on climate change and land by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change made strong suggestions about the need to move away from cattle ranching.

Livestock are responsible for about 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, on a par with all of global transportation.

Ezra Klein, in a New York Times column this past Saturday, called for a “moonshot” that would turn the United States away from industrial agriculture and toward “meatless meat.”

The anti-cow fart crowd needs to be stopped now.

Read the entire article HERE.

Biden Official Confirms Plans to Ban Fried Chicken and Grape Drink

Via Red State (SATIRE)

AUSTIN, TX– The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is preparing to institute more measures to safeguard black lives by banning products they like. After it was announced that the Biden administration would prohibit the sale of menthol cigarettes, officials are looking at other ways the government can save the black community from itself.

Only days after the menthol ban was announced, the FDA declared that it was pushing full steam ahead with its effort to rescue the black community through what they refer to as “strategic race-based prohibition.” An FDA official explained that the fried fowl and grape-flavored cola – also known as “grape drank” – must be banned because “these hopeless negroes don’t know how to act.”

“Preventing black people from killing themselves by banning certain products is the least we can do given the level of oppression they have endured in this country,” said a high-ranking member of the Biden administration. “This is why fried chicken and grape soda have to go.”

He added: “How could they possibly survive if we don’t make these decisions for them?”

Some have raised concerns about the menthol ban, arguing that it would lead to more interactions with the police which could result in more black fatalities during these encounters. However, the FDA assures us the number of black men shot to death by police will pale in comparison to the warm fuzzy feeling white progressives will have knowing African Americans are no longer smoking Newports, eating Popeye’s, or drinking carbonated grape-flavored beverages.

Another FDA official also noted that “dying from fried chicken consumption is proven to be more fatal than being riddled with racist police bullets.”

“It is SO fatal. You don’t even know,” the official said.

The new measure is expected to cause some upheaval in the fried chicken industry. Kentucky Fried Chicken and Popeye’s are both scrambling to develop new baked chicken recipes and have begun looking at plant-based options. “We need to show these blacks that fake fried chicken is better than real fried chicken,” he argued.

Read the entire article HERE.

Be sure to stop by at Def-Con News to get our morning started off right.