EXCLUSIVE REVEALED: The Chinese Communist Party’s Media Outlets Are Promoting The ‘Abolish Policing’ Campaign

The Chinese Communist Party-run media outlets are making the case to “abolish policing” in the United States, capitalizing on the far-left’s new and radical, Marxist talking points. This from thenationalpulse.com.

Protestor holds a portrait of Xi Jinping - General Secretary of the Communist Party of China as they demonstrate in front of China embassy in Warsaw...

Anti-Western influence operations are on the rise, from China.

And the American left has been all-too-willing, like during the Cold War, to promote the goals of a foreign and hostile power. This time, it’s the Chinese Communist Party.

The April 30th op-ed – “Police violence won’t end until we commit to public safety”– also relies on a popular left-wing argument for ditching the institution: the practice developed from slave patrols and is, therefore, inherently racist.

“Not until policing is seen for what it is, a tool to maintain an unequal social order and not an institution sworn and committed to public safety, can we begin to get solutions that move us in the direction of justice,” the op-ed in China Global Television Network (CGTN) posits.

Penned by Ray Baker, an Adjunct Professor at Towson University, the piece conflates police officers to slave patrols, both of which “fulfilled dual capitalist aims.” Baker continues, infusing the “slave patrol” narrative with a Marxist focus on “worker solidarity”:

It’s important to remember the origins of modern United States policing. Many American observers make the connection between police and slave patrols.

What’s sometimes missing in this observation is the function of slave patrol as a labor and social hierarchy question. Those who claimed humans as property were incentivized to ensure those humans would not flee.

This created a job for overseeing and policing enslaved workers. Who better to fill that job than white workers who couldn’t sell their labor for fair wages because enslaved labor depressed wages.

This creates a labor force of workers whose job it is to ensure enslaved workers produce at unprecedented levels and never take flight. Perfect for oligarchs committed to fracturing any potential of worker solidarity.

“To demand accountability and justice from policing would be to abolish policing as we know it,” the CTGN article ultimately concludes.

Another example of the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to inflame racial tensions in the U.S., the piece cautions that “the lesson to white Americans must be that your whiteness will not save you” before detailing society’s “pervasive anti-Blackness”:

Black Americans being disproportionately the victims of police violence is reflective of the continued belief that Black Americans are others, behaving outside the norm of the social order.

This pervasive anti-Blackness in law enforcement is sustained regardless of the race or ethnicity of the officers. This is because officers of all ethnic, gender and religious backgrounds are dedicated to maintaining social order.

The violence against Black Americans that comes from maintaining social order is par for the course.

This article is important not for any problems it solves, rather because it brings to light the collusion occurring between “communists” within American academia and the Chinese Communist Party. Collusion designed, I believe, to diminish the viability of the United States of America.

Is the above-quoted adjunct professor, Ray Baker, performing as a social scientist or a traitorous spy for China? This is not merely a rhetorical question, when viewed through the prism of harm he and his kind are doing to America.

One further question that may well be worth considering: Are the freedoms enjoyed by Americans the very tools which are being used to destroy our culture, our nation? The comparisons that Baker is free to make between slavery and policing may be found as useful by a couple nuts in academic labs, but such talk has quickly become the fuel for the voracious fire being fanned by the CCP, and consequently creating untold damage to America–monetarily, socially, culturally, and racially.

Is there anyone else out there uncomfortable with this communism that’s being presented to America’s students beginning at such young ages and blossoming with seemingly traitorous activities such as Ray Baker’s?