It Begins—Former British Commander in Afghanistan Calls for Joe Biden’s Court-Martial (VIDEO)

The open display of world disgust with Joe Biden and his ineptitude has begun. And whoever was actually behind the decision to allow Afghanistan to collapse, Biden IS the fall guy. Fortunately perhaps for him, he is not cognitively well enough to understand the world of shame he has created for himself. And don’t be surprised if Joe’s shame overlaps onto Hunter and perhaps other members of the Biden crime family. Revenge may become a motive for going after the whole damn bunch of them.

Colonel Richard Kemp, CBE, joined Mark Levin on Life, Liberty & Levin this week following the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Colonel Kemp in an earlier interview on GBNews said, “From the moment President Biden ‘made that decision to withdraw without any regard for the security situation in Afghanistan… this situation was absolutely inevitable.” This from

During his interview with Mark Levin, Colonel Kemp said the fall of Afghanistan has devastating effects on NATO.

Click HERE to view 5 min interview.


President Biden has completely destroyed his credibility single-handedly… Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State are strong in Afghanistan. They will operate freely. And they can operate more freely than before 9-11. Jihadists from around the world will train, flock to Afghanistan… There is no one more who is cheering this than Russia and China. They will now see they have pretty much an open field… In my opinion. I don’t say this often, and I don’t say this lightly. And I’ve never said this about anybody else. Any other leader in this position.

People are talking about impeaching President Biden. I don’t think President Biden should be impeached. He’s the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces who has just essentially surrendered to the Taliban.

He shouldn’t be impeached. He should be court-martialed for betraying the United States of America and the United States Armed Forces.

Court Martialing Biden is a novel idea but, given the state of political discourse in America today, I don’t see this happening. However, much of the civilized world is disgusted with Biden beyond a disgust they have ever felt for any other American. And the American people, I believe one day and likely beginning soon, will equate Biden’s name with such names as Benedict Arnold, Aldrich Ames, and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.