Joe Biden Says Kamala Harris Is Going To Be President Very Soon

Joe Biden has been checked out for a couple of years now but it’s been really evident how unfit he is to serve since he created the cataclysm in Afghanistan. No need to worry however because according to Joe, Kamala Harris will be taking over the presidency very soon. Instead of President Alzheimers we can have President Cackle. Hooray!

Biden hosted the Seattle Storm at the White House on Monday. After a Google search, I learned the Seattle Storm are a women’s basketball team who won the WNBA championship. After another Google search, I learned that the WNBA is a women’s basketball league.

Then I learned this:

“Now I can say as much as I want from the time my two daughters were born, you can do anything a man can do. It’s one thing for somebody to say that and keep pounding that in the head of the five granddaughters as well, but to guess what, until they see it, until they watch, it becomes real then,” started Biden.

Apparently Biden talks to his deceased daughter Naomi, who died when she was 1-year-old, and beats his 5 granddaughters. Also, Biden only has 4 granddaughters: Natalie, Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy.

And if you think that’s crazy, check his next line:

“That’s why, by the way, she’s, it happens to be in Asia for me right now but that’s why we have a female vice president of the United States of America. There’s gonna be, we’re gonna have some presidents pretty soon,” said Biden.

First off, Biden refers to Kamal Harris as “it” which has to be either racist or sexist. In Joe’s case, I’ll give him a pass and say that he simply couldn’t remember her name. Next, Joe says that reason why we have female vice president is so that she could be in Asia, which makes no sense. Finally, Biden says we’re going to have some presidents soon, which is kind of refreshing since we have none now. Someone should explain to Joe that we only have president at a time.

Again, I’m willing to give Joe the benefit of the doubt and admit that what he was trying to say is that Kamala Harris will become the President of the United States pretty soon. That his message came out that confused shows that he’s ready to step aside.

And this has been the plan since the beginning. The liberal media has tried to ignore it, but Def-Con News has been following this very closely:

Just before the election in 2020, Biden admitted Harris was the real presidential candidate.

“I am Kamala’s running mate,” said Biden. “Y’all think I’m kiddin’, don’t ya!?”

After stealing the election, Biden said he would, “develop some disease and say I have to resign” clearing the way for a Kamala Harris presidency.

Not long after that, in late December 2020, Biden started calling Kamala the “president elect.”

“I took it to instill public confidence in the vaccine. President-elect Harris took it, took hers today for the same reason,” said Biden after receiving his first COVID-19 vaccine shot.

Then after taking office, in March of this year, Biden promoted Harris to president.

“Now when president Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that tour, injecting people giving vaccinations said that each shot was like administering a dose of hope,” said Biden.

Somewhere trapped deep inside a web of dementia in Biden’s brain, exists 3 clumped together cells of lucidity and they are desperately trying to tell us that he doesn’t want to be president. We should listen to him on that, but first let’s solve the line of succession issues that would put Kamala Harris or Nancy Pelosi in the White House when Joe gets mothballed.