Possible ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attack Delays Kamala Harris Flight To Vietnam

There’s something weird going on with Kamala Harris’ Asia trip and you can bet that the official White House explanation is a lie. The illegitimate vice president was supposed to fly to Vietnam but her flight was delayed for several hours because of a “health incident” in Hanoi. Upon further reflection, the White House says there was a possible “Havana Syndrome” attack, which is a microwave or ultrasonic weapon deployed against U.S. diplomats.

Fox News reports:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ plane was delayed in Singapore on Tuesday for three hours after a possible case of the mysterious “Havana syndrome”…

Harris is currently on a trip to Singapore and Vietnam and was preparing to leave Singapore when, according to the White House, the delegation was delayed “because the Vice President’s office was made aware of a report of a recent possibly anomalous health incident in Hanoi, Vietnam.”

“After careful assessment, the decision was made to continue with the Vice President’s trip,” the statement said.

White House officials confirmed to Fox News that the incident is a possible case of “Havana syndrome” – named because State Department and CIA officials in Cuba first complained of unusual sound and pressure sensations in 2016 and 2017.

Experts have a variety of opinions on what causes Havana Syndrome but most likely it’s from some kind of microwave or ultrasonic weapon. The experts are in agreement that Havana Syndrome makes people sick and gives them brain damage. The fact that most Americans who have been hit with this thing were working in communist places, tends to support the idea that it’s a weapon.

Those affected have included intelligence officers or diplomats working on Russia-related issues such as gas exports, cybersecurity and political interference, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Even CNN noted:

US federal investigators have struggled to determine what or who is causing the mysterious symptoms. There have been cases reported in Russia, China and other countries across the globe.

Vietnam is a communist country and as Fox reported, “During her visit to Singapore, Harris was sharp in her criticism of China.”

Which begs the question, if there was a Havana Syndrome attack on the U.S. Embassy, why did they still send Kamala?

Luckily, I have some theories to answer that question:

1 – Joe Biden recently gave Afghanistan to the Taliban and had his own “Saigon” moment as people had to be airlifted to safety, just like at he U.S. embassy when we left Vietnam in 1975. The White House doesn’t want Kamala at the embassy on her trip because it’s bad optics so they made up a story about a Havana Syndrome attack. She’ll still go to Vietnam, just not the embassy.

2 – Joe is almost gone and can’t last much longer but his handlers don’t want him to step down because that would make Kamala Harris president and she sucks. They have to find a way to get rid of Harris before Joe is mothballed, so they are sending her to Vietnam to get her brain cooked by microwaves and ultrasonic pulses. The reason for the flight delay was because they wanted to confirm the presence of the Havana Syndrome weapon to make sure Harris gets her brains scrambled. Once that’s done, they’ll replace her with someone less terrible and then Joe can retire.

3 – The White House was anticipating another embarrassing performance from Harris, like when she went to Central America, and wants a good excuse. When she inevitably says a bunch of really dumb things, they can point to the possibility that she got Havana Syndromed.

4 – Harris’ staff has become increasingly worried that her tendency to laugh at inappropriate times could be part of a bigger health issue. Someone thought it could be Havana Syndrome since she has visited U.S. embassies in Guatemala and Mexico. After a 3-hour examination that delayed her flight, it turned out that she’s just a really shitty person.

If you have an y better ides why the White House would let Kamala Harris continue on to Vietnam with a possible Havana Syndrome attack, I’d like to hear it.