AOC Is So Dumb She Doesn’t Know How Phone Numbers Work

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has demonstrated her ignorance of many things including economics and our system of government, which ain’t a great look for a U.S. Rep. This blinding stupidity reached a head this week when AOC proved that she has no idea how phone numbers work. I guess the real morons here are the people who have elected her to Congress, twice.

This all started on Wednesday, when AOC went on CNN to rage against the Texas Heartbeat bill that bans abortions after 6 weeks. AOC referred to people who give birth as “menstruating persons” and accused the Texas state legislature of raping and impregnating these people who aren’t necessarily women. She capped it off by saying Texas Governor Gregg Abbott was ignorant.

From there, Sarah Plain went on Fox news to call AOC out as an embarrassment and a fake feminist:

And AOC had this completely witless response:

“Does my existence make you mad? Does the fact that yes, I am a mouthpiece for the people of New York’s 14th Congressional district upset you? Well I have help from you. Call 1-800-CRY-NOW. That’s 1-800-CRY-NOW,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

I’m sure you’ve already spotted the problem. That’s not enough digits. In the North American phone numbering system, a toll-free line has 11 digits. The fake number AOC gave out in her attempts to slam dunk on Sarah Palin only had 10 digits and would be 1-800-279-669.

I’m almost certain that AOC has a personal line as well as several Congressional office ones. Plus, she must have made phone calls in her life, right? It’s astounding that she doesn’t know how phone numbers work.

A better one, and that’s the joke, would have been to say, “Call 1-800-EAT-SHIT.” At the very least she should have went with 1-800-CRY-MORE.

But really, if you’re trying shit-talk someone, you want it to be specific to that person. Sarah Palin is known for losing to Obama/Biden as part of the RINO John McCain ticket. Though it never actually happened, she’s famous from saying she could see Russia from her backyard. Her family is also pretty f*cked up. I can’t think of a 1-800 joke about those, but I’m not the one trying to knock her down a peg.

This phone number business is witless on so many levels. Sarah Palin wasn’t crying, AOC is the one doing that. Palin was pointing out what an embarrassment AOC is and AOC’s response was to prove her right.

Also, this entire episode kicked off with AOC freaking out over something in Texas, but she claims Palin is mad because AOC is the “mouthpiece” for her constituents in New York. None of this involved AOC mouthing anything about New Yorkers.

I thought it was bad last year when AOC didn’t know what food is, but this is worse and proves her stupidity knows no bounds.

With that, AOC should put this bumpersticker on her Tesla: How’s my representing? Call 1-800-IAM-DUMB.