Racist Eric Swalwell Attacks Woman Of Color Nicki Minaj

Beside being world-class farter and moron, Eric Swalwell is an unparalleled racist. The California Rep. has attacked woman of color, Nicki Minaj, which according to democratic party rules is a hate crime. Weirdly enough, Swalwell didn’t have a problem with women of color when he was banging Chinese spy Fang Fang, so perhaps his racism is limited to anti-blackness.

Rapper Nicki Minaj triggered the left with this tweet regarding the COVID-19 vaccine:

Minaj isn’t telling her follows to not get the vaccine, she’s simply saying do the research and make your own decision. Since independent thought is frowned upon by the left, MSNBC’s Joy Reid went off on Minaj:

And then Minaj absolutely destroyed Reid:

Damn. Someone needs to draw a chalk outline around Joy Reid because she just got murdered.

RINO cub, Meghan McCain, also got in on the action:

Minaj reeled it in a bit for her response to McCain

Meghan McCain is a fake conservative who spends her days kissing Joy Behar’s and Whoopi Goldberg’s asses on The View. All she does is eat shit.

Finally, Eric “Duke Nukem” demonstrated his lack of wit and intellect with this failed attempt at mocking Minaj:

The only thing funny here is that Minaj didn’t respond to Swalwell, showing what a complete nobody he really is.

He’s also a dipshit. The COVID-19 recovery rate in the United States is 99.75%. According to Swalwell, that rate drops to 99% if you get vaccinated. Swalwell was trying to dunk on Minaj for promoting vaccine hesitancy but all he really did was make a case the vaccines make you more likely to die. Where’s the Twitter ban for passing false COVID-19 information?

And where’s the liberal outrage for Swalwell attacking a woman of color? Hey, it’s their party and their rules so they should be annihilating Swalwell for being a racist.