Joe Biden May Have Pooped His Pants While Meeting The Pope

Let me start off by saying there is zero evidence to support this, but it is funny and totally believable, so we’ll go with it. A rumor is swirling around that Joe Biden crapped his pants, literally, when he met the Pope a couple of days ago. There’s not one person anywhere on the political spectrum who thinks it’s impossible that senile old Joe has control issues related to going potty.

When Joe Biden met with Pope Francis on Saturday, CBS Senior White House correspondent Weijia Jiang noticed something weird:

The reason for the long meeting could have been that Joe fell asleep or that Pope Francis was chewing him out for being a pro-abortion heretic. Nevada Republican Chairwoman Amy Tarkanian however had a different explanation:

Tarkanian didn’t provide any proof that this is an actual rumor and I couldn’t find anything that says it is. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and there’s plenty of reasons to believe it did:

1 – If Joe Biden did shit his pants during the Papal visit, it’s unlikely that the White House would report or confirm it.

2 – If the liberal media had any proof that Joe Biden had a bathroom accident, they would bury the story.

3 – Joe Biden’s mental functions don’t work any more so it’s believable that his physical functions don’t work either.

4 – Joe Biden is full of shit and sometimes that shit leaks out.

5 – This Biden poopy pants thing is a lot more believable than everything the liberal media accused Donald Trump of so it’s already way more credible than everything that has been on the news for the past 5 years.

If it had been rumored that Trump crapped his pants meeting with the Pope, the liberal media would have dug into it with all of their resources. They would have found an activist proctologist who would claim that Trump exhibits the classic signs of pants shitting. They would have found a democratic party operative who would say she was sexually assaulted by Trump, who also has a feces fetish. Within a week Nancy Pelosi would have insulted Trump for making poopy pants and then it would be a “fact” that he did.

If you think I’m exaggerating, that’s exactly what happened with the liberal media lies that Trump said there are very fine Nazis, that he called our veterans losers, and the he told people to inject bleach.

Because of Joe Biden’s cozy relationship with the corrupt liberal media, he could shit his pants while meeting the Pope and face no scrutiny or mockery. That’s reason enough to believe he is #PoopyPantsBiden