Commentary: Rep Steve Scalise Highlights FIVE Hidden Details of The Regime’s Infrastructure Bill—VIDEO

Although six House democrats from the progressive wing of the party voted against passage of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed the bill late Friday night with the help of 13 Republicans.

Hidden inside the 2,300 pages of this complete boondoggle of a bill are numerous dangerous provisions that would have our founders rolling in their graves.

Shortly before the vote, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana warned colleagues about several of the most egregious initiatives contained in this legislation. This from

Scalise, holding up a copy of the unwieldy bill that lawmakers had only received the night before, reminded his colleagues of Biden’s promise that passage of his agenda would not cost Americans earning under $400,000 one dime.

“He breaks the promise right here,” Scalise said. “In the bill, a tax, according to the American Gas Association, will increase household electricity rates by 30 percent. And by the way, that’s low-income families that pay that tax the hardest.”

Scalise told colleagues: “Millions of additional people will get amnesty in this bill. ”

Next, he addressed the addition of 87,000 IRS agents. “They call this infrastructure. They call this equity. Whatever they want to call it, it’s an army of IRS agents that are going to comb through your bank account. … Why? Because they’ve got to generate hundreds of billions of dollars to spend on more inflation-inducing spending. …”

Scalise is right. None of these items are good for America. All are intended to move the country closer to becoming a socialist state.

The passage of the reconciliation bill would bring us to the brink.

Let’s hope Sen. Joe Manchin, a moderate Democrat from West Virginia who has thus far withheld his tie-breaking support, either blocks it, which may be too much to hope for, or at least takes the most dangerous provisions out of the final bill.


This administration represents the greatest national security threat America faces today.

To recap what Congressman Scalise announced was buried in the bill:

  • Mass amnesty
  • 87,000 new IRS agents
  • Insane leftist mandates
  • Giveaways to union bosses, and
  • Natural gas tax that’ll raise energy costs

Senators Manchin and/or Sinema will hopefully step up to vote to kill this bill in the senate.