Squad Dude Jamaal Bowman Accuses Joe Manchin Of Racism For Killing Build Back Better

Jamaal Bowman, the one dude in AOC’s girl band The Squad, is accusing Joe Manchin of racism for killing Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda. Apparently this was a hate crime killing or perhaps Bowman is as full of shit as the rest of the Squad.

On Sunday, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin announced he wouldn’t vote for Biden’s gazillion dollar socialist spending plan and the donkey shit hit the fan. Manchin was bombarded with accusations from his fellow democrats labeling him a liar. Bowman, who is black, took it a step further by playing the race card:

After being shown a clip of Manchin saying he won’t vote for BBB, the host asked Bowman what he thought about it.

“I was infuriated when I head those comments,” Bowman said.

And here’s how that fury manifested itself:

“It’s tremendously frustrating for me as a Black man in America because once again, it’s an example of Joe Manchin as a White man showing that he doesn’t care about Black people, he doesn’t care about Latinos, he doesn’t care about immigrants, he doesn’t care about women, and he doesn’t care about the poor,” said Bowman.

I wonder if Bowman has to pay Kanye West some royalties for stealing his “doesn’t care about black people” line.

“The same way black and brown people were kept out of the New Deal, Joe Manchin is trying to keep people out of this bill,” Bowman said.

I doubt that’s true but if it is, Bowman should know that the New Deal was written by and passed by democrats, so perhaps that’s a bit more democratic party racism he can pretend doesn’t exist.

Judging by Bowman’s accusation we can conclude the Build Back Better was actually slave reparations. I knew the bill was a socialist spending spree but it was apparently a $1.75 trillion giveaway to black people if Manchin is racist for not supporting it.

In fact, Bowman said as much: “This bill disproportionately supports people of color.”

That seems kind of racist to me, but what do I know?

Bowman also claimed some apocalyptical consequences of Manchin killing BBB:

“So this is why tens of millions of Americans don’t care about our government, don’t trust our government, and are done with our government” said Bowman.

If we have to pay people to give a shit about the government, they still won’t give a shit and the money will have been wasted.

“The people in my district are suffering. We just buried a 17-year-old who was shot dead in the head a couple of weeks ago. This bill has $2.5 billion for violence prevention,” Bowman said.

So if Manchin was willing to vote for BBB, which wouldn’t happen until after the new year, it would have saved a 17-year-old who was shot “dead in the head” a few weeks ago? How does that work?

“We don’t have a democracy. Look at what just happened on January 6,” said Bowman.

Huh? The issue here is that democrats needed Manchin’s vote to pass BBB, which is exactly how democracy works. Bowman is saying that when democracy works like it was designed that means we don’t have a democracy. Also, I’m not sure what any of this has to do with January 6.

The funniest thing about this is, after Bowman’s unhinged race-baiting tirade, the host actually said, “Congressman Bowman, so well said and articulated.”

I don’t think she knows what those words mean.

Democrats are under the impression that if the viciously attack Joe Manchin it will get him to change his vote on BBB. In actuality it’s going to make him change parties.