Joe Biden Fulfilled Zero Campaign Promises In 2021

Leading up to his occupation of the White House, Joe Biden promised he was going to do all sorts of things like kick COVID-19’s ass and enact gun control on “day one.” It is now day 343 of his illegitimate presidency and he has yet to do one thing he promised. As his first year nears an end, here’s a look back at what he said and what he didn’t do.

About a year ago, before Biden took office, Def-Con News compiled a list of things he said he was going to do on “day one” of his White House occupation. Looking over that list, it’s hard to ignore the fact that he didn’t do any of that shit on day one, day 50, or at all. These are the top ten lies/failures of Joe promises:

10 – $2,000 Checks

Joe Biden said he would be sending $2,000 checks “out the door” and day one of his presidency. Those checks then turned into $1,600 and didn’t go out the door for months.

9 – Fix Global Warming

Joe made all kinds of promises (10 to be exact) to tackle and beat climate change. It’s unclear if he actually did any of that stuff, but clearly he hasn’t beaten global warming yet because he is still bitching about it. In fact, his failed Build Back Better agenda was supposed to be the thing to stop climate change. If he promised to beat global warming on day one, why did he need an additional $3.5 trillion to do it again 10 months later?

8 – Swift Action on Housing

Biden kept this one vague so it would be harder to point out his failure to achieve it. The thing is, he hasn’t done anything, swift or otherwise, on the housing front. Homelessness is way up under his White House occupation as well as home prices, putting home ownership out of reach for many people.

7 – Comprehensive Immigration Reform

The White House spin doctors will try to claim a technical victory on this one because immigration is definitely different than it was under Trump. Biden did sign some executive orders on day one of his illegitimate presidency related to immigration, but all that did was open up the floodgates, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to rush in. He inherited the most secure border in U.S. history and turned it into a full-blown crisis with the stroke of a pain.

6 – Restore America’s Standing In The World

It was Joe Biden’s contention that the world didn’t respect America under Trump and so he vowed to restore our standing. He then proceed to fall asleep during international gatherings, mumble incoherently, and talk gibberish, making us the laughingstock of the world. He also alienated our oldest ally in France by screwing them out of a lucrative submarine deal. And who can forget his flubbed Afghanistan withdrawal? Under Trump the world knew we meant business. Under Biden all they do is laugh.

5 – Gun Control

Here’s one we’re glad Biden couldn’t pull off. Joe promised he was going to get “gun control done” on day one. He promised universal background checks, gun and magazine bans, and nonexistent loophole closures. He hasn’t done it. Congress hasn’t done it. It hasn’t happened. Thank God.

4 – Eliminate Trump’s Tax Cuts

Biden literally said, “On day one I promise to eliminate Trump’s tax cuts” but here we are 343 days later and those cuts are still in effect. He did try to get rid of some of them in the Build Back Better bill, but that thing is deader than his brain. Actually, what he tried to do was reinstated the SALT deduction, which would have been a massive tax cut for liberal millionaires but like his entire agenda, it failed.

3 – Return Dignity to the White House

This is easily Biden’s most laughable failure. Dignity is to Joe Biden as competence is to Joe Biden. He’s spent the past year groping little children, lying about stupid crap, and generally making an ass of himself. Was it dignified when Joe messed his pants while meeting the Pope? If so, dignity is yet another word democrats have redefined.

2 – Rebuild the Economy

Among the many advantages Joe Biden inherited from Donald Trump, a booming economy ready to rebound was the easiest one not to screw up. All Joe had to do was nothing and jobs and growth would come screaming back. Instead, we have the worse inflation in a generation, stagnant job growth, labor shortages, and a supply chain crisis.

1 – Beat COVID-19

The #1 thing Biden ran on was defeating the COVID-19 virus. He said on day one he would get the virus under control and return the U.S. to normalcy. Since Biden is anything but normal, he has failed miserably at this task. 343 days after promising to kick COVID’s ass, COVID is kicking his. Over 800,000 have died of COVID-19 under Biden and just yesterday the U.S. recorded the most new cases since the pandemic began. If this is winning, I hate to see what losing looks like for Joe.

Nobody expects a politician to fulfill all of his or her campaign promises, though Trump came close, but Joe Biden is like 0-100. You almost have to admire his ability to be this incompetent and full of shit. It can’t be as easy as it looks.