Democrats Triggered By Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuse Her Of Starting A Civil War

Democrats miss Donald Trump more than they care to admit. With no outlet for their Trump Derangement Syndrome they are channeling it into Marjorie Taylor Greene Derangement Syndrome. The Georgia Republican has triggered the dems once again with a simple suggestion that would stop liberals from ruining every state in the nation.

This starts with a thread from a liberal Twitter rando who is leaving San Francisco because of the crime and filth and relocating his family to Florida:

Which prompted an appropriate response from conservative writer Pedro Gonzalez:

Marjorie Taylor Greene agreed:

And with that, democrats lost their shit. Here’s anti-gun douchebag Chris Murphy:

Democrats complain that everything will destroy democracy. It’s lost all meaning like racism and insurrection.

Big dummy Eric Swalwell got in on the action:

Saying that a GOP-run country wouldn’t be shitty like California isn’t the dire waring Swalwell thinks it is. By all means, pay attention to this.

And finally, dude/girl member of The Squad, Jamaal Bowman, accused MTG of inciting civil war:

How is she toying with the idea of civil war? All she’s saying (agreeing with) is that liberals fleeing the mess they helped create should have a waiting period before they can f*ck up another state. There are waiting periods to buy guns so why not on voting?

Here’s where things go full-liberal. These democrats are saying the MGT is destroying democracy and trying to rob people of their right to representation while at the same time calling for her to be kicked out of Congress. Bowman asked why she has a seat in Congress and the answer is because people voted for her. He then wants to take those votes away by having her booted from the seat she was elected to.

If your cousin came to live with you after burning down his house, would you let him play with matches? Liberals have completely destroyed their states and they’re fleeing places with freedom, safety, and jobs. It would be insane to let them ruin that.