On January 4, 2022 Joe Biden Says ‘There’s A Lot A Reason To Be Hopeful in 2020’

It looks like Joe Biden has lost a couple of years or perhaps is trying to block them out. On January 4, 2022, one day after the U.S. recorded one million new COVID-19 cases, Joe tried to explain why he hasn’t yet shut down the virus like he promised, he assured us that, “There’s a lot a reason to be hopeful in 2020.” He truly has no idea where, what, or when he is.

Biden gave a COVID-19 update from the fake White House, and by update I mean he whined about people getting vaccinated and wearing masks. We’ve done that and been doing that and yet for some reason, the pandemic is still going strong.

While he didn’t actually provide any new information, which is something required of an update, he did come up with some new ways to speak gibberish.

“You can control how big an impact Omicron is gonna have on your health if you get oboe omicron,” said Biden.

I’m assuming that “oboe omicron” is a woodwind variant of a COVID-19 variant but I don’t understand the logic of having to get this virus in order to control its impact on a person’s health. Unfortunately, Joe didn’t give any further explanation on this.

Then he rattled off these 3 opposing statements:

“We have booster shots for the whole nation. You can still get COVID.”

“We’re seeing COVID-19 cases among vaccinated and workplaces across America including here at the White House.”

“This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

That’s a funny way of admitting the vaccines don’t work.

“Don’t be alarmed but if you’re unvaccinated you have reason to be alarmed. Many of you will, uh, you know, uh, uh, you’ll experience severe illness in many cases … some will die,” Biden said.

No reason to be alarmed by that.

“And for patients who still haven’t gotten your kids vaccinated, please get them vaccinated,” Biden pleaded.

Yeah, you stupid patients, vaccinate your damn kids!

“We have developed hundreds of military duhwee have deployed I should say, hundreds of military doctors and nurses,” Biden said.

Sure you did, Joe. Right after this he called FEMA the “Federal Emergency Management Association.”

When speaking of the Pfizer COVID-19 treatment pill, Joe remarked, “These pills are gonna dermatically recrease or decrease hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19.”

Sounds promising.

And finally, Joe wants us all to be as hopeful as him:

“Folks, I know we’re all tied and frustrated by the pandemic. These coming weeks are going to be challenging. Please wear your mask in public to protect yourself and others. We’re gonna get through this. We’re gonna get through this together. We have the tools to protect people from severe illness due to omicron if people chose to use the tools. We have the medicines coming along that can save so many lives and ramatically reduce the impact that COVID has had on our country. There’s a lot a reason to be hopeful in 2020,” Biden said.

Biden can’t pronounce “dramatically” and he thinks it’s 2020. I don’t know about you, but I feel confident that Joe Biden is on top of things. No, wait, I’m actually terrified that this brain-dead lunatic is in the White House.

I could see if Biden’s remaining braincells were trying to block out 2021 because that was a disaster for him, but 2020 was alright for Biden: he stole the White House. I don’t think there’s enough brain function left for this to be a defensive mechanism, Biden really believes this is 2020 and he’s hoping he can pull off another presidential election heist.