Biden Says Americans Are Too Depressed About COVID To Realize What An Awesome Job He’s Doing

Democrats had been running with a narrative that Americans are too stupid to realize what a kick-ass job Joe Biden has been doing, but that wasn’t polling well. In his latest attempt to reboot his message, the illegitimate president says Americans are too depressed about the COVID-19 pandemic to realize what an awesome job he’s done.

Biden has done a few sit-down interviews with the friendly liberal media in which the questions are pre-approved and the answers rehearsed. Because he sucks, those interviews didn’t go well so he found an even bigger hack to help stage an interview. Biden sat down with some nobody named Bryan Tyler Cohen and it had all the integrity of an infomercial.

Cohen asked Biden “tough” questions like: Why are Republicans so racist?, Why is Donald Trump so evil?, How did you manage to unite the world?

Cohen then asked Biden how he can push his agenda through a democrat-controlled Congress. Biden those not to answer that question, instead opting for this:

“I think the biggest impact on the psychology the country has been COVID,” started Biden.

Biden then pissed on our shoes and told us it was raining by completely botching lies about how great the economy is.

“So I think it’s hard for people to get their arms around the fact that we have the fastest growing economy in 40 years. Wages are actually up, not down. Unemployment is a low as is been sunder eh under, you know it’s just incredibly low and it’s around sis sis sis three-point rain,” said Biden.

Well said, Joe. Since this was an entirely scripted affair, couldn’t they have done another take where Joe doesn’t sound like he’s having an aneurism? Or maybe this was the best take out of 20 tries.

“You know, we find ourselves in a position where it’s hard to fully appreciate that when you wake up in the morning and wonder or not whether or not your uncle, aunt, mother, father, son, daughter has COVID. Are they gonna be okay,” Biden said.

What about your grandparents and cousins?

“I think one of the significantly we’re gonna find, ten years from now, is the phenomenal negative psychological impact COVID has had on the public psyche. So you have an awful lot of people who are not withstanding the fact that things have gotten so much better for them economically,” said Biden.

Then it got worse:

“How do you get up in the morning feeling happy that everything is alright even though your job is better, even though you have more income, even though,” said Biden right before he forgot what he was talking about.

In other words, Biden says people are so depressed by the COVID-19 pandemic that they can’t realize how great a job Joe has done with the economy. Is COVID depression also responsible for people not being able to afford food, gas, and power? Maybe people are so bummed about a pandemic that’s over already that they are imagining the worst inflation in 2 generations.

This completely fake interview ended on a truly hilarious note. Biden was asked what he wants his legacy to be:

“I don’t think in terms of legacy, I think in terms of the needs of me. I ran for, I ran for president, really and truly and even my supporters were not critical of but thought the reasons I expose, I laid out why I was running they wunt such a good idea,” said Biden.

He does get a technical win in that one. His legacy is of a man whose mind is gone with a bunch of bad ideas.